Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blog Debut!

I've had a blog name reserved since last year with the best of intentions to get it going but for some reason (could it be the lack of sleep a new baby brings?) never got around to setting it up beyond picking a template. Well, inspired by one of my favorite custom boutique designers (thanks, Angel!) and in keeping with my New Year's resolution to be better about sharing photos with family and friends, especially those that live far away, I've finally done it!!! I'm still trying to figure it out, so getting the blog to actually look like I want it to is going to take some time. But for now, baby steps... ~Jessica


  1. Woo Hoo...I get to leave your first comment!!! Welcome to blogland girlie. I love your comment about being an "old soul". Thanks for adding me to your favorites list.

    You are miles ahead of me for making your page look pretty. I love your background, you'll have to teach me how to do that.

    Thanks for being my very best customer. Grace is such a doll!


  2. You're too sweet, Angel! Keep those designs coming, 'cause you know I love, love them! P.S. - You'll laugh when you read my next post :) Jessica

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