Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Through the eyes of a child
Monday, April 28, 2008
Vintage Birthday Books
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Chuck E. Cheese's
They had this whole section for little kids which was nice. Grace had a lot of fun playing in the mini gym as you can see. I had fun too :)
Here she is sliding and waiting for Mimi to catch her.
There was this huge carousel-style horse ride that I thought was a little overwhelming for her, but she kept pointing to it so we figured she wanted to get on it. Here she is with cousin Jade.
And here's all three of us.
You can't tell from the picture, but Grace LOVED the crazy looking carousel horse!!! Every time we went down the stairs to get off, she pointed back up and said "orse" for horse and wanted to ride again. I think we rode like 4 or 5 times! Toward the end, she wanted to hang off the side of the horse to look down on the b-day bash! She is fearless I tell you!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Some of my (current) Favorite Things
Now onto some of my favorite things...There's the sweet patchwork toddler quilt that Mrs. Betty, a friend of my mom, made for Grace, which we still use as the "fitted sheet" in Grace's pack-n-play. When Grace was a tiny wee one, I remember her being mesmerized by the squares with the ladybugs! Now she likes to untuck the corners to look underneath!!! Here she is last October spending some quiet time in her pack-n-play.
Then there's the pink and chocolate brown baby wreath that Aunt Heidi made for Grace, which still hangs in her room today. Grace loves "ringing the bell" (i.e. touching the silver rattle) and pointing to the "G" in the embroidered burpie pad. Although you can't see the wreath very well in this photo, you can see Grace contemplating how to balance on the rocker she's not supposed to be standing on to try to "ring the bell"!
And one of my all-time favorites is the ladybug set Noonie sewed for Grace - down to the teensy pocket in the front and the little ladybug tag on the inside of the pants so I would know which side was front from back :). It was a wee bit big on Grace last Fall, but it's perfect on her now. If only I had taken her up on learning to sew when I was younger...
And although I know practical baby gifts are so important and needed, there's something about sweet little one-of-a-kind gifts that just warm my heart. So, with that in mind...I've started preparing for my best friend Heidi's baby shower later this year, which I can't wait to host. Heidi just found out that she's having a *GIRL*!!!! She's already an amazing mom to my favorite 4 year old little girl in the whole wide world, my goddaughter Madeline, so I know this soon-to-be-here baby girl is already one lucky baby.
Madeline just loves baby Grace, as she likes to call her and Grace is so in awe of Madeline, it is just adorable. Madeline is going to be the best big sis ever! Check out these cute matching vintage dresses - the one on the left is for Madeline and the one on the right is for Grace. Can't wait to see them wear them...I'm thinking dresses with cowboy boots - photo op for sure!!
And (knowing my love for vintage raggedy ann), wouldn't this onesie and little booties look adorable on a fresh-from-heaven baby girl?Anna of Magnolia Rose, a super cute etsy boutique, made the onesie. She's so talented and sweet, she made these ducky bloomers for Grace and created the cutest pair of raggedy ann bloomers to match Grace's dress.
And there's nothing better than a pillowcase dress on a hot summer day, except a hand embroidered pillowcase dress!! Check out these two sweet ones that I recently stumbled upon!!!
Finally, my love for hand embroidery has led me to Cassie of Olivia Kate Couture. I love her fresh spin on old vintage designs. How cute is this patriotic ducky celebrating America's birthday on the 4th of July?!
And check out this sweet dress and matching headscarf!!!
Playing dress up + Hand-made, Vintage-inspired finds = Too Much Fun!! Maybe one of these days I will open a sweet little shop full of eye-candy pretties like this one!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Mama's Little Helper
Here she is saying "girl" one of her current favorite words. She has the cutest little pouty lips when she says it too.
Grace has gotten to be quite the talkative girl these days. She's also beginning to throw tantrums when she doesn't want to stop playing or when something doesn't go her way! She balls up her hands into little fists and shakes them while screaming and turning red - it is quite a sight to see. And if she doesn't want you to pick her up she "melts" and throws herself backward which can be scary depending on where she's at at the moment. But back to her words, since so many of you family members have asked. At 13 months, she says mama (mami when she doesn't want to sleep and wants mama to "rescue" her from her crib), daddy, baby, bye-bye, night-night, girl, dog, duck, ball, bird, right there, me, no, juice, nak "snack", top "stop" (complete with hand stretched out to motion stop, especially when seeing an actual stop sign - thanks, Noonie!), bloon "balloon", bot "bottle", ot "hot" (when near the stove), andy "candy", pop, book, bath, duck, cup, poon "spoon", and jacx "jaxon - our dog". She can also point to eyes, nose, mouth, hair, toes, fingers, belly button, light, fan, window, picture (he, he, he - since there are so many around the house!!!), mama, daddy, Grace, Noonie, Mimi, babies, birds, flowers, some animals in her books (duck is her current favorite) and a few others I can't think of right now. I'm amazed that they learn so much so fast!!! She is starting to be able to follow some simple commands like "bring me the book, please". Other times, even though she knows the meaning of "no" she'll just smile and do whatever it is you are trying to keep her from doing! So how's that for an update :)
I'll leave you with one final picture of our sweet little pumpkin...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Photo Fun
Are you okay, dolly? (aka Caring Grace)
Dance Like Nobody's Watching (aka Free Spirited Grace)
Loving, Protective Grace
Wobbly Toddler Grace (aka Serious Grace)
Mama's Little Pumpkin (aka Sweet Grace)
Little Miss Personality Grace
Hamming it up for the camera! (aka Funny Grace)
He, he, he - I just started playing with the software a few hours ago and already I have a "named collection". Hey, a girl's gotta have dreams!!!