But it doesn't take her long to get over it and start smiling and babbling to him.
Carson gave Grace a gift certificate to Build-a-Bear for her birthday and we had so much fun going to pick out a new friend. Grace picked out a yellow chick (go figure!) and Carson picked out a baseball bear.
Here's Carson with his mama - I just love this picture of the two of them!

And here he is at Grace's birthday party crawling through the tunnel. We can't wait to go to Carson's 1st birthday party next month!!!

Aww...Cousin Carson loves the pictures of you two together! He can't wait until your next play date! He loves your play area kitchen and would like to bake cookies together some time!
Love you, Carson
Grace says, "Cars, cars, booey", translation: Carson - boy. Grace hearts Carson.
Can't wait to see you guys again!!
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