What a gorgeous day today was! The weather was just beautiful! The biggest blessing to me was to be able to spend the day with both my mother and daughter.

I know for many that is not possible for many different reasons, and my heart aches for you, so believe me I do not take it for granted for even a second. Now, if only I could have had my sweet grandma here THAT would have been something! But I know she had a great day with my Uncle and cousins.
Grace is indeed my "sweetest bloom" as her little apron reads and she loved giving me a rose, then taking it back and giggling, and back and forth.

Noonie and Papa A.J. joined Lance, Grace, and I for Mass and then treated us to a wonderful lunch at a local italian bistro. Here is my beautiful mother and my sweet little pumpkin, who was fascinated with the waiter fluffing the table linens - I think it reminded her of the parachute at her gymboree class because she kept staring at him!!!

Later when we opened gifts at home, Grace was a great helper (translation: she was excited to tear open the paper and play with the ribbon).

I received some very sweet gifts, but my favorite was the one "from Grace" - a sweet picture of the two of us when she was about 6 months old in a pretty silver frame engraved "mom".

Grace had a great time playing with daddy and as you can see, Lance was a great sport about it!
My favorite memory from today: Grace fell asleep on the way home and when we got home and got her out of the car, she looked so sweet and cuddly I couldn't put her down in her crib. I held her the entire time she napped, which was close to 2 hours!!! The way she curled herself against my chest, the smell of her hair, the little puckering gestures she made in her sleep...it made my day! And it reminded me of this sweet moment when she was not quite 1 day old.

I realize that all too soon, a time will come when she won't want me to cuddle with her, when she will no longer fit so perfectly in my arms, so for now I'm soaking it up and holding on tight.
The bond between mother and child is just so pure and beautiful. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day filled with the kind of memories that last a lifetime!
What a wonderful day and what great pictures to remember it by! Emerson was very sick so we spent our day at home, but at least we were all together. Of course Herman didn't get bows in his hair like Lance, but we still made the best of it :) Love to you all,
Glad you had such a fantastic day! Life is so much more fun with kids :) They make every day special!
Take a bow Jenn
Happy Mother's Day Jessica! Looks like you had a wonderful day. How sweet to getto hold her during her whole nap. My girls are both sick right now and I had the good fortune to be able to hold E for 30 minutes and sign her to sleep, well, more like awake, she kept requesting song after song after song. Truely a memorable moment. No matter how big they get, I'm sure they will alwyas fit comforably in our arms.
Thanks so much, ladies for you sweet comments!
Heather, sorry to hear Emerson was so sick :( Hope Marshall doesn't get it!!
Jenn, not too much longer for you, huh? That sweet baby boy will be hear VERY soon :)
Angel, sorry to hear that both A & E were sick! Hope you don't get it. Take extra special care of yourself and that little peanut! By the way, Grace looked so cute in her little apron dress!! Thanks for making it - you're the best!
Hugs all around,
Great Mother's Day with my daughter and granddaughter, my husband and my son-in-law. Wish my Mom could have been here too !
I received an extra special, delayed Mother's Day gift from Grace yesterday (5/14): she said "Noo-nie" for the first time !!! (She had been calling me Noo-noo). Today, while rocking her, she pointed her little finger at me and said "Noo-nie" again, twice !!! I'm in heaven !!!
Love, Mom/Noonie
Hi there, you have a darling girl and a sweet blog! The last picture of your daughter in your arms as a newborn is precious.
Thanks, Rebekah!!! You're too sweet!
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