Yup, I've got pink and red on the brain...as in, Valentine's Day pink and red...and yes, I know it's still two days until Christmas :) I love valentine's day and all the cheesiness (is that even a word?) of the so-called "hallmark holiday". Maybe it's because for me it involves making homemade crafts with Grace and baking as many heart-shaped tasty treats as I can come up with.

While cleaning out a closet, my mom came across a shoebox full of old cards people had given me when I was little and some I had stashed away to give to others - talk about a trip down memory lane! The best part was there were some sweet vintage valentines in there from the late 70s and early 80s. Then I was attempting to clean out a hall closet (
now HOW does that thing get so messy so quickly?!?!?!) and I found an unopened package of vintage-inspired valentine treat bags, which will be perfect for Grace's little class party in February!!! So excited...it's the little things for me I tell ya!
Anyhow, I've been searching for pink and red and came across this sweet little lounge set for Grace in one of my all-time favorite dottie fabrics

And then I found this sweet little number...

and you know how much I love aprons!!! This one is for moms - perfect!! except I don't think it'll really work with the baby bump and all :) And finally, these yummy fabrics that just make me think spring, fruit stands, and running around barefoot in a farm (
never mind that we don't have a farm to run around in).

Aren't these gorgeous together??? I settled for a little twirly longsleeve dress from Josiekat's Trunk in these fabrics for Grace so she can wear it for Valentine's, along with these

which are some of our old-time favorites! Did you know Puddle Jumpers is coming out with a line of boots in January?? So cute! By the way,
Josiekat's Trunk is having a sale on items from their website, including their markdowns and overstock items (lots of size 4/5) and free shipping on orders of $50 or more. Our first experience with their products was a Halloween dress I bought on eBay and I must say the quality of their dresses is top-notch! The knit tops on their dresses are very thick cotton and so soft - perfect for tee dresses. So check them out if you have a little princess who loves to wear dresses.
Grace likes to play with my jewelry, wearing my beaded necklaces all while telling me she's
"stylish". And she's recently developed an obsession with ears and earrings - likes to pull my hair back while sitting on my lap and tells me
"mama's earrings so pretty...Grace no earrings" complete with puppy dog eyes - boy, oh, boy are we in trouble!!!
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