Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Elmo Live, Oh my!

Today was a very big day for the little pumpkin! She attended her very first live performance and got to meet her favorite red furry guy!!! As an early birthday present, Noonie, Lance and I took Grace to a morning performance of Sesame Street Live. She LOVED it!!!

Waiting for Daddy to arrive (boy was it a windy day!) Her first glimpse of things to come...I wish I could have captured her smile, it was priceless! Characters on stage for the first time... Mesmerized! I love her little expression in this picture! Wonder what she's thinking...maybe..."are they real"? She kept looking at the stage, looking at us, saying Elmo, and then rubbing the little elmo face on the belly of her dress - so cute! She loved Big Bird, but of course Elmo was her favorite! Having a blast! (At one point, seeing her so happy/excited/in awe of everything made me tear up - yes, I quickly blamed it on the pregnancy hormones, after all we WERE at an Elmo concert!) And later at home, calling Elmo on her princess phone " He said, 'Hi, Grace'!" Don't you just love a toddler's imagination! She talked about going to the "Elmo Show" all afternoon! Happy (early) Birthday, Pumpkin!

And can I just say we made it out of there without the $15 elmo glow stick, $10 elmo balloon, $8 program, or $12 plastic elmo ball...a true accomplishment indeed! Geez, what's with concert souvenirs for kids these days!?!?


  1. Oh how fun! Love that she called Elmo on her princes phone. We talk to Cinderella a lot on ours. LOL

    OK, now I'm re-thinking our decision not to take the girls to Disney On Ice this week-end. Hmmm...they may love it, or it might turn into the Circus fiasco we had last Fall. What to do?

    I'm gad you had a fun time. And now I've gotta give you grief...There's no crying at an Elmo concert!" :)


  2. Jessica,

    It's been a long time! I feel so disconnected from the blog world!!

    I love the new picture header and the layout. We are going to miss out this's bitter sweet! We can't wait to meet little Davin, but we also hate to miss Grace's 2nd Birthday Party!

    I'll be looking for pictures! Talk to you soon and have fun!

  3. Angel~ I think Emily and Allison would love Disney on Ice, especially the princesses! Maybe the circus was just too loud and dark??? We haven't tried the circus yet... And LOL about the tears, like I said pregnancy hormones at work!

    Amanda~ We will definitely miss you guys out on the farm this weekend but completely understand. Give a sweet hug to brand new Davin for us and tell Lindsey & Jeremy we can't wait to meet their new addition!



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