Monday, March 30, 2009

My Swing Set, My Swing Set!!!

After a couple of weekends of work (Papa A.J. & Pop: thanks for helping my Daddy!!), the swing set was finally ready this past weekend! Grace was so excited to get out there and check things out. Going up and up and UP! And down we go! I like this teeter-totter thing I think I found a new hiding spot!! Keep up with me if you can! I'm having so much fun! THANK YOU Noonie & Papa A.J.!!!

A Painting for my Brother

My little budding artist LOVED this messy project! We need MORE paint, mama! She even "signed" it with her handprint :) Now it's ready to hand in Hudson's room!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

plaid shirt cuteness

Haven't posted in a while about Hudson, but the little guy is kicking up a storm in my belly - mostly in the evenings and early into the wee hours....hmm, wonder if that's going to be his routine...mellow during the day and energizer bunny at night :O Next week I get to drink the super-delicious-why-hasn't-anyone-thought-of-a-better-way-to-test-for-gestational diabetes!!?? orange drink, which means I'll officially be in the 3rd trimester. Yikes! where has time gone?? Now that we're almost done with Grace's big girl room and the swing set (more on that later), we still need to paint and decorate Hudson's nursery. I feel like we're way, way behind. His furniture should be here shortly so that will hopefully jolt us into action. I'm loving this bouncy seat: Anywhoo...I must say one of the things I was most excited about when we found out we were having a boy was the cute plaid button up shirts I love for little boys. You know the ones. The ones that sometimes come with the sweetest suede elbow patches and the ones where the toddler's belly is so cute and round that the buttons seem ready to pOp! I love them. I had a mild obsession with my nephew Emerson's button up cuteness last summer when we visited them in Cali. And I love, love, love to see him and his little bro Marshall in their button-ups (hint, hint Heather - I need new pics :)

Which brings me to... Baby Star! I'm loving this retro inspired, brown, blue = ONE COOL LITTLE GUY! And check out the cute matching girlie dress :) over at Shannon's blog

Monday, March 23, 2009

Farm Chicks

It pays to clean out your wallet! After finally organizing all my junk into a new mustard yellow wallet I got for Christmas, I found a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble and purchased this: LOVE IT! The pictures are amazing - full of vintage charm and I love the little projects in addition to the recipes. Especially love the countertop spice holder pic on page 92 and I can't wait to try out the oatmeal cookie recipe and the blackberry crisp - yum! Can you tell I've been having a major sweet tooth lately??!! Find more great projects and sweet product links on their blog The Farm Chicks.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Oh, Happy Day!

Baby Bennett is home!!! After 7+ weeks in the NICU at Arkansas Children's Hospital, Katye and Ben got to bring their sweet baby boy home. Three year old Big Sis Sadie couldn't wait to meet him for the first time! Thank you God!! Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. ~ Ephesians 3:20-21

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's officially Spring!

I L-O-V-E Spring! Today is the first official day of Spring and our weather here is just beautiful...sunny, breezy, in the 60s, a few cherry blossoms still have their pretty pink blooms (Grace calls them HER pink trees - I tell her God knew pink was her absolute favoritest color and put them in our path just for her :) - you should see how she beams with pride when I tell her this!) and the azaleas in shades of white, baby pink, hot pink, and violet are just beginning to bloom like crazy!

In case it's still cold where you live, here's a little bloom from the little pumpkin to put a smile on your face Happy Spring!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

giddy gumdrop

Last Friday Grace slept in her big girl room for the first time! She did GREAT! She was so excited to be in her new room. She kept saying "I love my big pink room. It's so pretty and pink." quickly followed by "I want to go there" pointing to her nursery :) I decided to stay in there with her until she fell asleep thinking she'd be up at least a couple of times that night, but once she FINALLY fell asleep (for Grace, mama on the floor = slumber party), she didn't make a peep until 6:45 the next morning, then fell back asleep until 8:30!

Checking out her new room for the first time Too excited to fall asleep just yet Not too hard, not too soft, just right! Cuddly little pumpkin - so sweet! She's done really, really well this past week. She's awaken a couple of times during the night, but stayed in her bed and with a little comforting went right back to sleep. I was afraid she'd wake up disoriented in the middle of the night and get scared not knowing how to get to us, but so far she's only gotten out of bed once when it was already morning and went right to the door like a pro. I'm so proud of my big girl!

As far as the room...Haven't found the perfect bedskirt, so I'm using one we already had and I'm still waiting on the curtains and working on some wall art, so can't share more pics until it's just right ;)

Monday, March 16, 2009

celebrating with my little school friends

Since Grace was sick the day of her birthday she didn't get to celebrate with her MDO friends 'till a couple of days later. She didn't seem to mind too much - to her it was just another reason to have elmo cupcakes :) This is so much fun! Make a wish! Aren't they so cute?!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

brought to you by the Letter G and the No. 2

Yesterday was Grace's 2nd birthday!! My, oh my, how time flies! The day did not start out as expected. Grace spiked a fever and off to the doctor we went - NOT how we planned to spend her birthday morning :( This past month has been tough. For not having been to the doctor other than for well-baby/shots appointments during her first two years, Grace has definitely made up her quota in the last 4 weeks. Let's see, two rounds of the winter cold, a weird rash, a black eye from a bathtub "diving" experience, a stomach bug, and now a little bacterial infection and a round of antibiotics! Yikes! I can't wait for Spring!

Other than not feeling good when the fever would go up, you would not have known that she was sick. She's such a little trooper! Since we had been able to get the fever pretty much under control and she was running around and playing we decided to stick to our original plan to have a homemade Elmo cake with the grandparents in the afternoon. We couldn't let her actual birthday go by without a little candle to blow out for good luck!

My first attempt ever at an Elmo cake (don't laugh Herman! cake decorator I am not as you can see :) The Birthday Girl! Make a Wish! Thank you for my Elmo cake, mama! Everyone say "cheese" Looking cute, Jax! Thanks for the puppets and stickers, Emerson & Marshall!! I love them! I've been waiting to open this all week! My very own farm!! Yeeaaaayyy! Mama's sweet pumpkin!
Wishing you the best year ever, Grace!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Little Pumpkin Turns 2!

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance...
~Lee Ann Womack

3 days before Grace was bornFresh from Heaven
6 months old 1 Year Old!
18 months old
I'm Two!! Dear Grace,
There are no words to tell you how much I love you, what you mean to me, or the indescribable joy that being your mama brings me. Two years ago at this very moment, you came into this world fresh from heaven and into our loving arms, turning our love into a family. These past two years have been the best of my life and all because of having you in them. Happy 2nd Birthday! Keep God in your heart, reach for the stars, and He will lead the way.

I love you with all my heart little pumpkin! God bless you and keep you safe.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Down on the farm...

Although Grace's actual birthday is not until Tuesday, yesterday we celebrated with her long awaited Old McDonald Birthday Party! The weather was just right - in the 70's and windy - just perfect for cooling off red-cheeked kiddos who could only be slowed down for a second to eat a bite of cake and ice cream. Thank you to all of you who came and made Grace's 2nd Birthday so special!!!

Okay, get ready, we've got LOTS of pictures to share (I guess we're camera friendly around here 'cause we ended up with over 300 photos)! We also have a slideshow with more photos so if you'd like to see that shoot me a message with your email and I'll forward it to you.

Little Pumpkin so excited 'cause it's FINALLY the day to go to the farm! Here we are! Who knew farms had such cool playgrounds? Higher, higher! Off to explore with Mimi A friendly face Even Noonie got in on the action Chasing the chickens was Grace's favorite activity! Taking a break from the chickens to pet a baby goat (Baby Hudson must have liked the goat too 'cause he was kicking up a storm in mama's belly during all this). Cousin Jade Madeline Cousin Logan Michelle & Maye Curious Beau hiding among the animals :) Sweet baby deer Baby Preston checking things out Madeline & Amelia having fun It's a PIG, Mama!!! Everyone getting in on the feeding frenzy Llama, Llama Red Pajama (or is it an alpaca? Need to study up on my farm animals!) Thank you Brown's for making the 2-hr trek to come to Grace's party! We loved having you and getting to meet baby Allie in person!!! Hesitantly leaving the petting area for the promise of cake The masterpiece! I'm so excited how the cake turned out!!! Everyone's singing just for me!! Make a wish! A little taste test With hungry kiddos, you gotta move fast! (Thanks, Michelle!) The cake was Y-U-M-M-Y!!! Opening up presents takes concentration! Thank you all for the generous presents!! A special thank you to Carson & Preston for knowing how much Grace wanted to see an elephant at the farm :) I can't believe you adopted an elephant from a sanctuary in Grace's name - that is so, so sweet! She's going to have lots of fun learning about Miss Bets! Sweetest card! Mememaw & Aunt Marilyn checking out all the action Grace's 3 grandpas And we're off for a ride in the Moo Moo Choo Choo Hayden's not sure what to think of it I like the view from up here, Papa A.J.! And after a fun-filled day it's time to pack up and go home! Thank you all for coming to Grace's 2nd Birthday! Thank you God for the beautiful weather and for an amazing 2nd year in Grace's life!