Although Grace's actual birthday is not until Tuesday, yesterday we celebrated with her long awaited
Old McDonald Birthday Party! The weather was just right - in the 70's and windy - just perfect for cooling off red-cheeked kiddos who could only be slowed down for a second to eat a bite of cake and ice cream.
Thank you to all of you who came and made Grace's 2nd Birthday so special!!!
Okay, get ready, we've got LOTS of pictures to share (
I guess we're camera friendly around here 'cause we ended up with over 300 photos)! We also have a slideshow with more photos so if you'd like to see that shoot me a message with your email and I'll forward it to you.
Little Pumpkin so excited 'cause it's FINALLY the day to go to the farm!

Here we are!

Who knew farms had such cool playgrounds?

Higher, higher!

Off to explore with Mimi

A friendly face

Even Noonie got in on the action

Chasing the chickens was Grace's favorite activity!

Taking a break from the chickens to pet a baby goat (Baby Hudson must have liked the goat too 'cause he was kicking up a storm in mama's belly during all this).

Cousin Jade


Cousin Logan

Michelle & Maye

Curious Beau hiding among the animals :)

Sweet baby deer

Baby Preston checking things out

Madeline & Amelia having fun

It's a PIG, Mama!!!

Everyone getting in on the feeding frenzy

Llama, Llama Red Pajama (
or is it an alpaca? Need to study up on my farm animals!) Thank you Brown's for making the 2-hr trek to come to Grace's party! We loved having you and getting to meet baby Allie in person!!!

Hesitantly leaving the petting area for the promise of cake

The masterpiece! I'm so excited how the cake turned out!!!

Everyone's singing just for me!!

Make a wish!

A little taste test

With hungry kiddos, you gotta move fast! (Thanks, Michelle!)

The cake was Y-U-M-M-Y!!!

Opening up presents takes concentration! Thank you all for the generous presents!!
A special thank you to Carson & Preston for knowing how much Grace wanted to see an elephant at the farm :) I can't believe you adopted an elephant from a sanctuary in Grace's name - that is so, so sweet! She's going to have lots of fun learning about Miss Bets!

Sweetest card!

Mememaw & Aunt Marilyn checking out all the action

Grace's 3 grandpas

And we're off for a ride in the Moo Moo Choo Choo

Hayden's not sure what to think of it

I like the view from up here, Papa A.J.!

And after a fun-filled day it's time to pack up and go home!

Thank you all for coming to Grace's 2nd Birthday!
Thank you God for the beautiful weather and for an amazing 2nd year in Grace's life!