Wednesday, March 11, 2009

brought to you by the Letter G and the No. 2

Yesterday was Grace's 2nd birthday!! My, oh my, how time flies! The day did not start out as expected. Grace spiked a fever and off to the doctor we went - NOT how we planned to spend her birthday morning :( This past month has been tough. For not having been to the doctor other than for well-baby/shots appointments during her first two years, Grace has definitely made up her quota in the last 4 weeks. Let's see, two rounds of the winter cold, a weird rash, a black eye from a bathtub "diving" experience, a stomach bug, and now a little bacterial infection and a round of antibiotics! Yikes! I can't wait for Spring!

Other than not feeling good when the fever would go up, you would not have known that she was sick. She's such a little trooper! Since we had been able to get the fever pretty much under control and she was running around and playing we decided to stick to our original plan to have a homemade Elmo cake with the grandparents in the afternoon. We couldn't let her actual birthday go by without a little candle to blow out for good luck!

My first attempt ever at an Elmo cake (don't laugh Herman! cake decorator I am not as you can see :) The Birthday Girl! Make a Wish! Thank you for my Elmo cake, mama! Everyone say "cheese" Looking cute, Jax! Thanks for the puppets and stickers, Emerson & Marshall!! I love them! I've been waiting to open this all week! My very own farm!! Yeeaaaayyy! Mama's sweet pumpkin!
Wishing you the best year ever, Grace!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Grace!

    Looks like you had THE best brithday a girl could wish for. Your Mom did an awesome job finding that farm cake and making you your very own Elmo. Give her a big hug from me, and enjoy the rest of your day. I hope you are feeling better very soon.



  2. Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday dear Grace!
    Happy birthday to you!

    -Love Carson Ray!

  3. Good job on the cake! Grace looks like a big 2 year old!!
    Getting my order in the mail from LB in the next day or 2. Can't wait!

  4. Jessica, you did a GREAT job on that Elmo cake! I am impressed- seriously! I love to read your blog- your little pumpkin is so cute....I miss having one that size. They grow too fast!

  5. Thank you ladies for your sweet (and very kind :) comments on my elmo cake. Grace called it her "pink elmo cake" as if it was intentional - gotta love a toddler's perspective!!


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