Friday, March 20, 2009

It's officially Spring!

I L-O-V-E Spring! Today is the first official day of Spring and our weather here is just beautiful...sunny, breezy, in the 60s, a few cherry blossoms still have their pretty pink blooms (Grace calls them HER pink trees - I tell her God knew pink was her absolute favoritest color and put them in our path just for her :) - you should see how she beams with pride when I tell her this!) and the azaleas in shades of white, baby pink, hot pink, and violet are just beginning to bloom like crazy!

In case it's still cold where you live, here's a little bloom from the little pumpkin to put a smile on your face Happy Spring!


  1. That second photo is just beautiful. Perfect lighting and love the blurred background too. Don't you just love your new camera?

    Thanks for the spring blooms. We are finally having some warm temps here and the snow is gone accept for the big piles, but even they are tiny now. Can't wait for the green grass and tulips. I'm glad Easter is late this year, we may not need coats by then.

  2. Beautiful pics of Miss Grace!
    It's actually 75 here today and gorgeous! We are headed to the park after naptime.
    Love the Easter dress. Mine are still not here yet.:(

    I think they just got mailed yesterday.

  3. Thanks for your sweet comments ladies!

    Angel~ I've got SO MUCH to learn on the new camera. I've been putting off purchasing Photoshop, but I'm sure I'll be headed in that direction some time in the future. By then you'll be a pro at it and can teach me - ha, ha :) Right now, just using (free) Picasa.

    Courtney~ I'm so glad I went for the pink on selecting a smocked dress. Grace tells me over and over how pink is her favoritest color! Can't way to see pics of Miss Molly in all her cuteness :)



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