Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lovin' me some Aunt Grace's repro fabric

I love to look at my little fabric stacks, especially the Aunt Grace repro fabrics - pure eye candy, and not just because I love the name ;) LOL, every so often I actually decide to use them for a project. Shamefully sometimes these projects take a looooooooooooooooong time to come full circle. Last September, yes as in 6 months ago, I picked out some Pop Garden fabric and some Aunt Grace's to make a sweet little knot dress for the little pumpkin. I did all the fabric selecting, cutting, and pressing and my sweet mom did all the sewing, as usual :) The dress ended up being a bit big on Grace (guess who did the measuring? yup, you got it - me!), so it sat in her closet until now. Have I mentioned she's been growing like a weed?

I'm picky about buttons - go figure :) - and I don't have any luck finding good ones locally so I never got around to attaching the little yo-yo to the apron. I finally asked my mom to look in her stash and she came through in a BIG way! Check out how sweet the dress turned out!!! Can't wait to see it on Grace this Spring! A little close up of my favorite detail... ...after debating several buttons, I finally settled on this little vintage blue one, part of a set of five. Best part? AFTER I picked out the button my mom told me that it came from one of my grandma's business jackets from when she was young and worked as a legal secretary!!! Loved it before, but now it's priceless!! Can't wait to tell Grace one day that the little dress she wore when she was 2 was not only sewn with love by her grandma, but actually contained a button from her great-grandma!

AND, check out these cute party favors! They're my favorite!! My always creative friend Michelle came up with these for me and I love them! Too bad I couldn't find the shoestring potatoes to use as "horse hay" in the party bags - that would have been too cute :) They are now safely tucked away along with a few other goodies in little pink bags for Grace's birthday party this weekend. She's so excited about her Old McDonald birthday party - we talk about all the animals she'll see at the farm at least 10,000x a day!


  1. Hey designer! Ready for another one? The seamstress is ready!
    (On a more serious note: I love sewing for Grace. Can't wait to see her modeling this dress. To me it is an heirloom: fabric selected and cut by her Mother, sewing done by her Grandmother(Noonie) and button provided by her Great-grandmother(Tata). WOW!!! Talk about special!
    Love, Mom/Noonie

  2. Love the Dress! Priceless.
    Happy Birthday to the Little Pumpkin! Hope the party goes well. Can't wait to see the party pics!


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