Wednesday, March 25, 2009

plaid shirt cuteness

Haven't posted in a while about Hudson, but the little guy is kicking up a storm in my belly - mostly in the evenings and early into the wee hours....hmm, wonder if that's going to be his routine...mellow during the day and energizer bunny at night :O Next week I get to drink the super-delicious-why-hasn't-anyone-thought-of-a-better-way-to-test-for-gestational diabetes!!?? orange drink, which means I'll officially be in the 3rd trimester. Yikes! where has time gone?? Now that we're almost done with Grace's big girl room and the swing set (more on that later), we still need to paint and decorate Hudson's nursery. I feel like we're way, way behind. His furniture should be here shortly so that will hopefully jolt us into action. I'm loving this bouncy seat: Anywhoo...I must say one of the things I was most excited about when we found out we were having a boy was the cute plaid button up shirts I love for little boys. You know the ones. The ones that sometimes come with the sweetest suede elbow patches and the ones where the toddler's belly is so cute and round that the buttons seem ready to pOp! I love them. I had a mild obsession with my nephew Emerson's button up cuteness last summer when we visited them in Cali. And I love, love, love to see him and his little bro Marshall in their button-ups (hint, hint Heather - I need new pics :)

Which brings me to... Baby Star! I'm loving this retro inspired, brown, blue = ONE COOL LITTLE GUY! And check out the cute matching girlie dress :) over at Shannon's blog


  1. Loving the bedding and bouncer and that little man shirt is A~D~O~R~A~B~L~E!

  2. Aww button up shirts are the best!! What a cute theme you have going can't wait to see the final product. We are thinking of a train theme for the boys new "shared" room. I wanted classic/vintage car theme but I think the train with old signs around the room would be really cute as many options :)

  3. still my heart. I adore button ups, and cargo pants, and little old man cardigans...

    you are going to have such a blast ;)

    take a bow Jenn


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