Thursday, April 23, 2009

can vintage and modern coexist?

we shall see!

With a very modern color palette (chocolate brown, aqua blue, and orange) and some vintage inspired finds, we are working, working, working on Hudson's nursery! Here are two of my favorite pieces for our soon-to-be-here little guy:

The Baby Gardner (L-O-V-E this site!!)

Bits and Bobs by Amy Smart

I can't wait to see him wearing that cute jon jon and wrapped up all cozy in that fun quilt!


  1. Love the colors and can't wait to meet little Hudson. Miss you all!

  2. What a darling little family you guys have....and I love the title of this post. My friend Dottie and I have a blog dedicated to all things vintage/modern/kiddo! I was just looking at the post of your little girl's room and it's SOOOO sweet. Wow! Dottie's little girl Georgia has a room filled with sweet vintage goodies, I think you'd like it. You can see it here, if you have time to swing by!

    : )
    Alix from

  3. Thank you!

    LOVE Georgia's room!!! The perfect color combination, that sweet flower wall, the adorable artwork over the changing table...LOVE IT ALL! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I absolutely LOVE the quilt!!!

  5. Thank you! Everytime I go in his room - yes, even now - it is the first thing I notice! Well.....except the messes he makes - ha! :)


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