Monday, April 20, 2009

love hate relationship...

...with my camera that is!

This past Christmas Santa brought me a new camera, a Canon Rebel XSi. Prior to I'd been using my trusty Canon PowerShot, which is still my diaper bag camera. Now I love my PowerShot, but it was a bit beat up from years of "use & toss" and the battery didn't last very long either.

I don't know what it is with the new Canon, but I can't always get it to focus on what I want. Sometimes it'll focus on some small detail and blur the little pumpkin out or the whole picture will be less than crisp. I'm not sure if it's the lens (18-55mm) - I've been thinking of getting the 50mm I originally planned to get - the settings, the mode, or the fact that my most frequent subject is a wiggly 2 year old. Any suggestions??

So since I've been trying to practice, Grace and I went to the grounds of an old house turned events hall yesterday. The weather was beautiful and it was fun to run around the property's gardens chasing after the little pumpkin and thinking about what the place was like years ago.

This is my favorite shot from the day - CLASSIC Grace these days! Little bit of attitude, LOTS of sweetness! And some other fun ones...

Her hair looks so long in these pictures! Looking for a PINK butterfly (since there was an orange/brown one around :) Love those pouty lips and that inquisitive look Silly Goose! My little pumpkin is growing up **sniff, sniff**


  1. I love my canon rebel. I purchased the 50mm lens about a month and a half ago. Its great! It often blurs the background without really trying. The only thing i hate about it, is that its not a zoom lens. But other than that the pictures are great!

  2. darby's blog is wonderful and she has lots of good cannon rebel info on there - good luck!

  3. Love those pics!

    I mainly use just my 50mm now. It took a lot of getting used to. Having to move myself to control distance instead of zooming, but it's worth it.

    I have the same problem with focusing. Haven't quite figured it all out yet. You'll see in the photos from my Saturday post that baby's nose or lips are often more in focus than the eyes. I assume that a lot more practice will help, but I'm also looking for tips.

  4. I think they look great...your subject definitely couldn't be any cuter that's for sure!

    Have you tried adjusting the focus points? If you push the shutter half way down you should see a little square pop up in the view finder. Do you have the option to move that around? If it smack in between the eyes (or as close as you can get).

    What a fun location!!!

    take a bow Jenn

  5. My most favorite picture of Grace to date is the first one in this blog! Love, love, love it!

  6. YES, get the 50! I love mine and hardly ever use the 18-55 anymore. The lighting and colors are much better with the 50 too I think. I does take some getting use to since you have to be on the move to zoom/back up etc...but the photos are worth it...pretty much if you see a good photo of mine it was prob taken with the 50.


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