Friday, April 24, 2009

a sweet vintage inspired little girl's room

Mid-March we transitioned Grace from her nursery to her "big girl" room. I let her pick out the paint color (she picked PINK, of course ;) and from there the labor of love began.

I wanted to use a lot of what we already owned, but give it a new twist, as well as incorporate a few new special treasures. I didn't really have a theme per se, but I wanted to work around the PBK Brooke bedding and play up sweet girly colors of pink, aqua, red, chocolate brown, and vintage florals.

I must say once everything was in its place, I could really tell there were lots of birdies in there! Unintentional theme, but so sweet in the end. At least the little pumpkin thinks so and that's what matters to me. I think we succeeded in creating a special little place for Grace to call her own.

So without further delay, here's a little tour...beware, there are LOTS of pictures :O

The view as you come in

The bedskirt is my final project. The one on there now is an old one I had and just plopped on there. It's not the right colors. I plan on using the same fabric as in the curtains to make a bedskirt, trimming it with ric rac or pom pons.

Friendly little birdie #1 that greets you as you walk in and a sweet cross from when she was a baby that reads "for this child I have prayed" The petite chandelier that I fell in love with when pregnant with Grace. It has little white and aqua milkglass crystals and birdies. My mom bought it for me as a Christmas gift the Christmas before Grace was born and it just has a lot of sentimental value to me. The fun chocolate brown vinyl monogram that I found on etsy to go over her bed. It originally had a script "G", but the shop's owner Jessyka of Expressing You, was kind enough to customize it for me in a "G" that Grace could recognize :) Incidentally, that's how Grace first learned to spell her name. We had her name spelled out over her crib and when she was itty bitty I overheard Lance in there with her pointing to the letters and spelling them one by one. He would always end with "and what does that spell? Grace!" So sweet. One day Grace was in there playing while I folded clothes and I heard her go "G-R-A-C-E spells Grace" and clap for herself...quite the little sponge :) ...never too young to learn, I tell ya!

This sweet shelf was such a happy find for me during our annual Mother-Daughter-Granddaughter weekend earlier this month. I was sooooooooooo excited when I spotted it in the very back of a sweet store for a steal! I didn't do a single thing to it. It was already chippy and painted the softest, sweetest shade of aqua with those adorable eggshell painted bird pegs/hooks. It even had the hanging gear installed and everything. LOVE IT! This was Grace's first girly, frilly tutu! I initially wanted for her to wear it for her newborn portraits but since she was a preemie it swallowed her! She wore it for the first time when she was 3 months old and she's worn it many, many times since! The sweet curtains (and most recently completed project :) One day as I was looking through a flickr photostream, I stumbled upon some photos that lead me to Kerri's etsy shop, Maya Elise Boutique. Believe it or not she is the sweet mama of 6 adorable little kiddos and STILL finds time to make beautiful quilts, baby booties, softie dolls, and many,many other sweet creations. Her blog, Lovely Little Handmades (see sidebar) is full of inspiration. She made the sweet patchwork quilt valance that I just adore! All the japanese import fabrics look so sweet and coordinate so well with the bedding. Originally, I ordered some white swiss dot panels with little ruffles from the Shabby Chic line at Target, but once they came in they were too short so I ended up going back to my original plan of finding coordinating fabric and having my mom sew the panels as she had the ones in Grace's nursery. I love them so much more - THANKS, Mom! And then there's the chocolate brown ribbons...I actually miscalculated the width of the valance when I gave Kerri the measurement, so I had to add a little something to visually expand the valance and cover the ends of the curtain panels. I like the result, though!

Sweet little bookcase filled with new and vintage books and other treasures A little reading and playing corner for Grace - we're short on space so I had to let go of my dream of a sweet, chenille covered reading chair for her :( but she doesn't seem to mind. She loves playing with her "mouses" and looking through all her books. The little "if you can dream it, you can do it" sign is from the $1 section at Target and it's a perfect match to the Brooke bedding. I just switched out the ugly white ribbon for a brown and pink one :)

View from one corner of the room I think I've talked about the armoire enough before :) but I just love, love, love it! It's my favorite piece of furniture in the whole house!

Cute little tooth pillow and a sweet sentiment when combined: "sweet dreams, sweetie pie" A favorite little tote bag from The Baby Gardner (see sidebar) Her girly dresser and "vanity hung" mirror (I plan on adding some shabby chic wall sconces to both sides of the mirror, but haven't found any affordable ones yet...must keep looking :) The mirror is one of my best finds of all time! I bought it at an estate sale for $1.50!! In its former life it was a plastic picture frame without glass or backing, just the plain 'ole frame. I painted it robin's egg blue then had a mirror added at a local shop and my stepdad added the hanging wire so for less than $15, a one-of-a-kind shabby chic mirror was created!

A little vintage card that I just found today at a local antiques store and tucked in the corner of the mirror as a sweet sentiment for Grace And some of the favorites that adorn the dresser...

Birdies from Hobby Lobby from a couple of seasons ago and a picture of the little pumpkin at her first birthday Peonies and hobnail glass courtesy of Tarje' about 5 years ago My favorite vintage planter of all time Very sentimental photo of my grandma when she met Grace for the first time at 2 months old Grace has my grandma's eyes...I hope she can also grow up to emulate her life, one dedicated to trusting in our sweet Lord, growing and living her faith, loving her family, maintaining a cheerful, positive disposition, and never turning her back on a stranger in need.

View from the other corner The Closet I've been nesting, can you tell? Last weekend I cleaned out her closet, separated by season, added a second rod and some prefab stackables to better organize our existing baskets. Now when I open the doors I really like what I see :) The master closet got the same treatment about a month ago - he, he, he.

Vintage plates adorned with little "charm" and "gratitude" decals take up residence right along her closet doors And that just about completes the (looooooonnnng) tour :) I hope you enjoyed this peak inside the little pumpkin's new room and I'll leave you with this Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to turn off the light on your way out ;)


  1. Adorable room. I know Grace loves it.

  2. What a great tour! Love the room and all the great little details that make it so sweet :) Must admit to being a tad jealous at how cute and perfect everything looks, we had to add locks to the outside of the boys closet yesterday because they were climbing to the top shelf and throwing everything out, let's say it's not the easiest on the eyes to looks at ;)
    Great job Momma!

  3. oh my...that is just so darling! I love all the extra special touches and the sweet vintage details! LOVE that aqua paint!! I'm sure she feels like a princess every time she walks in!!

    take a bow Jenn

  4. Love, Love the Pumpkin's new room! It's perfect! Can you come organize Molly's closet?
    Wish Disney on Ice was coming here. Alot of my friends went last week too.

  5. What a gorgeous room for your little pumpkin! It's breathtaking.

    I think my favorite is the photo of your Grandma kissing Grace. That is a treasure for sure.

    That closet is to die for! Please tell me all of those clothes don't fit her right now. LOL

    I've seen glimpses of the chandelier before but never noticed the aqua crystals before. It's stunning!

    And I think my girls need that vinyl monogram in their room, it's perfect!

    you can tell her room is a true labor of love. Can't wait to see Hudson's.


  6. This room is amazing! I want it for myself. :)

  7. So Sweet - I also love the closet. Hope you'll share/submit on Project Nursery sometime...

  8. can you send me your email addy again...I've misplaced it!!

    take a bow Jenn

  9. This is the most amazing room! You've done a beautiful job! (I just came over from Diary of a Quilter).

  10. What a beautiful room! You have got talent!

  11. Thank you everyone for your sweet comments!! I do love her room - I think it's MY favorite room in the house right now :)

  12. i love love love this room... the bedding, the fabrics, the colors, everything! where did you find all that fabric (did i miss it? did you answer that in your post already? lol) such an adorable room! great job!

  13. I love, love the vintage shabby chic design! Fabulous! And her closet...a girl's dream! :-)

  14. I think this is my favorite. Amazing job. Classic, sophisticated, beautiful. Fantastic job....amazing creativity. (I want her closet!) :)

  15. ADORABLE girls room! I love the vintage :) Thanks for sharing. amber

  16. Wow, Grace's room is so pretty!! Thanks for sharing, you did a really good job! Love that chandelier!

  17. Beautiful! I love the chandelier!

  18. What a beautiful room! I love all of the details!

  19. So cute! The chandelier is to die for. Great job!

    PS- That closet... poor girl, whatever will she wear?! Ha!

  20. Beautiful room! Every details is so precious! Grace is one lucky little princess! :)

  21. oh, I am so glad I stopped by from Kellys korner. I want that room!!! It is so classy, cozy, pink, what I would want for a little girl. Come on over and see our nursery when you can. I am going to come back and read your blog, I have a lot of time on my hands lately now that my son and I are in the hospital.

  22. I am so glad I stopped by! It is a beautiful room! Just precious and darling! I love the birds! And her bedding is darling!

  23. I just love that monogram, the shelf with the birds, the flower plates....I can't find anything I don't love 'cause I love it all!

  24. I love this "big girl" room! Absolutely darling! Thanks for sharing!

  25. you are very talented- a great mix of old and new. we would love to see hudsons room!

  26. Wow....I LOVE her room! DARLING!!! The chandelier is beautiful and her organized! Thanks for sharing! This is my FAVORITE room so far!!! Great job!


  27. What a BEAUTIFUL room! Love all of it!

  28. Wow, it is simply beautiful! I love it!!! Her closet is amazing, I love seeing all those little dresses and cute clothes. I have two girls who are older now (5 and 10) and their closets used to look like that once upon a time. Thanks for sharing!

  29. I found your blog via Kelly's Korner, and I adore Grace's room. I am in love with the chandelier, where did you find it?! You did such a great job designing her "big girl" room, so many special touches... oh, and I am loving that closet! I think she's got more clothes than I do!

  30. I LOVE this vintage-y, sweet room. It is adorable!!!

  31. Welcome everyone that came from Kelly's Korner! So glad to have you visit and thank you for all your sweet comments!!

    Erica~ the fabric in the valance is a mix of japanese imports and some of the "boutique" lines such as Moda, Tanya Whelan, etc. The fabric on the drapes is the Cherry Trellis pattern from the Moda Swell line.

    And about the chandelier~ it came from one of our local children's boutiques. I believe it was the last one they had like it, a floor model. I love how the crystals are opaque like milkglass and not shiny. Really gives it a vintagey feel. It doesn't have a tag or label on it so I'm not sure about the manufacturer. Sorry I couldn't be of more help :( LOL, I told my husband it's the one fixture in the house that if we ever try to sell the house is absolutely non-negotiable. It's going with us wherever we go!

    Thanks again for all your sweet comments - you certainly know how to make a girl feel good :)

  32. First of all, lovely room! I am in the middle of working on my daughter-to-be's nursery and have a similar style I am aiming for. The effort and care you have put into Grace's bedroom is amazing! For the rest of you looking for the chandelier (because I have been on the hunt for the perfect lighting fixture...):

    A taaaad on the expensive side, but for those of us on a budget - try searching ebay,, and craigslist!

  33. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! I am in the middle of remodeling my little girls room. We are enlarging her closet for more storage and your closet is AMAZING! Great job. You are my inspiration!!

  34. Awww...thanks Ashley! Good luck with the remodel!! :)

  35. Gorgeous room!!!!! Love it! Angel Eagen sent me over here to get on your mailing list for re-sells of Grace's gorgeous wardrobe!! I LOVE Angel's designs-- and she said you have like 90% of them-*hee hee*. Since she's not sewing anymore, have to buy her re-sells. So if you DO re-sell Grace's clothes, please add me to your newsletter/ etc- would love to know ahead of time! YAY! Thank you!!!!!!!!

  36. I certainly will Trudy! Although I must say that I don't think I can part with any of Angel's designs - they are our faves!! :) I will have lots of cute fall/winter resells this summer though and will add you to my list. Thanks for stopping by and do come back!

  37. Love this room so much!!!!! You did a really great job!!!! ....check out my blog please ...pamelaschiccouture

  38. Where did you find the bookcase hanging on the wall? I love it and would love to have one for my daughter's playroom.
    BTW, the room is gorgeous. I wish I had your eye for design!

  39. Hi, Amy! Thanks for your sweet comment! I got the bookrack from Pottery Barn Kids - I believe it was called the Ava Bookrack. I love having the front of the books face out, rather than just the spine. Not sure if they still carry it or not, but I'm sure they have several similar styles. Have fun shopping!

  40. What was the name of the paint you used on the walls? Thanks for your time. :) The room is amazing.

  41. Thanks!

    Hello Dolly by Valspar ;)

    1. Hello, beautiful room by the way. I was noticing you have a behind the door shoe hanger that looks like it's perfect for her shoe size. I have a toddler and I have been trying to find one like that that won't swallow her shoes. The ones I have found are for adult shoes and to big to put her shoes. Is yours a regular one and looks smaller because of the picture or is it special for kids?

  42. Lovely vintage vibe. I also love the Etsy shop you mentioned. Did you use the fabric from this shop for your panels as well? If you know the name that would be helpful…perfect colors for the girls' vintage room we're working on!

  43. Lovely vintage vibe. I also love the Etsy shop you mentioned. Did you use the fabric from this shop for your panels as well? If you know the name that would be helpful…perfect colors for the girls' vintage room we're working on!

  44. Lovely vintage vibe. I also love the Etsy shop you mentioned. Did you use the fabric from this shop for your panels as well? If you know the name that would be helpful…perfect colors for the girls' vintage room we're working on!


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  91. نستا

    مجموعه حاضر فعالیت خود را در بخش صنعت ساختمان از سال 1376 آغاز نمود. اولین شرکت از مجموعه شرکت­های نستا، با عنوان “تکوین سازه سهند” در سال 1378 با رویکرد سرمایه­ گذاری در بخش صنعت ساختمان، شروع به کارکرد.

    مجموعه سرمایه­ گذاری نستا توانسته پروژه ­های متعدد ساختمانی در استان­های تهران، البرز، آذربایجان، مازندران، همدان، اصفهان و … را با موفقیت به سرانجام برساند. از سال 1386 این مجموعه علاوه بر سرمایه ­گذاری در بخش ساختمان، بخش طراحی معماری را به مجموعه خود افزود و پروژه­ های متعددی با کاربری­های مسکونی، تجاری، اداری و درمانی با اتکا به دانش و مهارت بالای معماران و مهندسان مجرب خود به انجام رسانید.

    در طول این مسیر، تعهد مجموعه نستا به عنوان یک شرکت سرمایه ­گذاری پیشگام، مطالعه و­شناخت، بررسی­ و­ تحلیل، طراحی ­و ساخت و در نهایت ­ارایه دقیق راه حل ­های مهندسی شده، جهت تحلیل چالش ­های مالی و مدیریتی از طریق برنامه ­ریزی دقیق و تجربه­ های موفق قبلی درخصوص ارتقا کیفی صنعت ساختمان بوده است.

    مجموعه نستا مفتخر است با پشتوانه بیش از 25 سال پیشینه کاری موفق در این زمینه و تجربه ارتباط مستقیم با سرمایه­ گذاران و کارآفرینان ایرانی و خارجی، طی 10 سال گذشته، باتوجه به روابط موثر در داخل و خارج از کشور ، با توجه به تجارب قبلی از سال 1399 به طور رسمی و مدون علاوه بر فعالیت در حوزه مشاوره و مشارکت در زمینه سرمایه گذاری و صنعت ساختمان و … فعالیت­های خود را گسترش دهد.


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