Thursday, June 25, 2009

at 2:13 in the afternoon on monday, june 22nd...

...we welcomed our beautiful baby boy into this world,
fresh from the hands of God and into our loving arms!

with hearts full of love we introduce Hudson Rowe
2:13 p.m.
8 lb. 8 oz.
20 in.

This is what falling in love looks like Father and son meet for the first time Grace meet your little brother Hudson,
Hudson meet your big sis Grace I don't know - he's kind of squirmy......but I love him.
The little pumpkin kept telling me, "Awwww...he's so cute." Just when you think a heart can not possibly hold more of "that" type of just happens. Feeling incredibly blessed. Our family of four. Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes! We came home yesterday and have been adjusting to our newly expanded family (so far, so good!).

About the delivery...
It was an incredibly easy delivery, for which I am so thankful! The induction was much better than I had imagined. We had wonderful nurses - most were the same ones we had with Grace which was nice. I got the epidural when I was 5cm and this time it worked like a charm! Things moved right along and I went from 7cm to 10 and complete in 20 minutes. I told the nurse I was feeling a different kind of pain. She came in, checked me and said "don't push". My doctor came in. I had asked Lance to take a picture of the wall clock when I started pushing (2:03 p.m.) and Hudson was born just 10 minutes later :) If I could skip the pregnancy part, I would definitely do the labor part again to end up with another lil bit of heaven in my arms!


  1. Congratulations! Enjoy this sweet time!

  2. Congratulations to you all Hudson is absolutely beautiful, just like his big sister. x

  3. Congrats! What a beautiful family you have.. Where did you get their outfits made?

  4. Congratulations! So glad that the induction went well for you. Hudson is a gorgeous little guy. And that picture of Lance holding him is beautiful. Dave had that same look holding Sam for the first time.

    God is truly amazing!!!


  5. Oh he is absolutely beautiful! Welcome to the world of being a mommy to a little boy! LIfe is grand with a little boy of your own. Congrat especially to Grace on being a BIG SISTER!!!!

  6. Congratulations!!!We are so happy for you all.

  7. Congratulations! He's a Doll! You all look so happy. Glad labor was easy!

  8. Congratulations! You're family is beautiful! I love the picture of the four of you guys. I can't wait to meet him in person!

  9. I have been on vacation for the past couple of weeks and was wondering if Prince Charming had made his debut yet? I am SO thrilled for your family and can't wait to read about your journey with your new little addition! You are both beautiful!!!

    take a bow Jenn

  10. Thank you all!!! We're feel so blessed and thankful that everything went well with the birth and that Hudson is now home with us! Really appreciate all of your good wishes and prayers!

    P.S. Oh, and Jenn from Love, Life & Laughter - the outfits are from Tiny Sprouts (see my sidebar). Check them out - LOVE all the goodies Tracey carries in her shop :)


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