Wednesday, June 3, 2009

the best kind of shopping

I've been on a cleaning spree...has nothing to do with the pending arrival of the little guy, just some belated spring cleaning I keep telling myself...yeah, right! Truth is making room for Hudson has me rethinking every nook and crany of our home and really trying to simplify.

Part I was the massive garage sale we had memorial day weekend. It was a huge success, but man oh man, what was I thinking doing that at 35 wks. I had forgotten how much work garage sales really are. Definitely glad that's over!

Since then, I've been working on Part II - moving things around and repurposing things we already have at home (fastest, cheapest decorating for sure!). I changed out the photos and frames on this side table and now I really like the warm, eclectic vibe of this little spot. And I cheated a little bit 'cause I bought this new rug for the living room, but I LOVE how it looks with our sofas and decor. I then moved on to our bedroom. After taking down this display from Grace's old nursery *sniff*sniff* I used some of the decorations along with her old nursery shelves to create this little photo wall in our bedroom. Isn't it sweet? Prior to the change, I had just the two weathered frames one above the other, but I really like how it all looks anchored now, thanks to the shelves. And I'm sure I'll tweak it even further after we have photos of Hudson :)

Speaking of...yes, it's the wee hours and I'm up rather than snoozing. I've been having contractions all day, painful ones. And now leg cramps too, and I can't seem to get comfortable lying down. Instead of tossing and turning I decided to do more constructive blog (ha, ha). That is, after I washed all of his 0-3 mo. clothes, packed the hospital bags, and laid out Grace's clothes for when we go to the hospital. May not be too long now. At my doc's appt. this morning - I'll spare you the details - let's just say she said things were moving right along :) so it looks like the little guy may be making his debut sooner rather than later.


  1. Okay, since I have been "stalking" your blog lately I thought I'd better leave a comment! Love your blog! But, I have to know where you get your little pumpkin's cute little custom outfits? ;o) I have a little pumpkin too!
    I'll be praying for you and a healthy baby!
    Allison Drockelman

  2. Can't wait to meet him!!! Love your style and house, so pretty!

  3. I stumbled across your blog off Kelly's Korner. I've been looking for nice shadowbox frames forever and LOVE the ones you have on your wall. Would be so appreciative if you could email me where you found them: Thank you and blessings to your sweet family!

  4. Ok I discovered your blog last week and I just had to tell you that I love looking at all your pics! You have great style and taste...and such sweet blogs about your little girl!

  5. Jessica you crack me up!! Love the new rug, so modern with shabby thrown in! Hope you were able to get some sleep and that Hudson makes his arrival during daylight hours :) Can't wait to meet the little guy!

  6. Thank you all for the sweet comments! I love decorating!!

    Allison~ I do have a (major) weak spot for cute little girl fashions, you know, where they look like little girls and not mini teens. Most of the customs I've bought on ebay & etsy. My favorites - like the one in the dandelion post - are from Angel of TaDa Creations (her blog link is on my sidebar). She is so very talented! Unfortunately, she's recently decided to take a break from professional sewing :( You can check out her blog to see more of her sweet designs.

    Betsy~ I just emailed you the info for the shadowboxes :) Have fun decorating!

  7. this post is so yummy :) I can't wait to see the little man and talk "boy" with you!!

    keep us posted...happy SAFE delivery to you!!

    take a bow jenn

  8. Thanks Jessica! I was hoping you had some secret very inexpensive place to buy all those lovelies! I might just have to brush up on my sewing so I can make my own! I agree, I like my daughter to look like a little girl too. I am re-doing my little girls room in a similar style as your pumpkin's room - I even got some things from Lovely Little Handmades!

  9. Ooooh, Allison!!! I love Kerri's stuff! Can't wait to see your little girl's room! Ditto on the sewing...wish I was much better at it.

  10. Jenn~ I think the little guy has decided he likes it in there after all. The contractions have slowed waaaay down today so who knows when I'll get to see his sweet face. And I do want to hear all about "boy stuff"'s like a whole new world to me!

  11. love all those little vignettes and that rug is gorgeous!!! What a great find.

    Grace is one of the best dressed little girls I know. ;)


  12. Ha, ha, Angel! I wonder who I have to thank for 99% of her cute outfits??? :)

    The rug is from Target, of all places! I was excited when I found it.


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