Friday, June 12, 2009

Hudson's Nursery

FINALLY I'm getting around to posting pics of the little guy's nursery! It's been a rough week with lots of painful contractions and "is this it?" thoughts, but so far I think Hudson is feeling rather cozy in there and has decided to take his time :) The nursery, as are most of my projects, is a work in progress. I'm always switching things out and tweaking the rooms in our house when I find new treasures or an item that is just perfect for a spot...but if I wait, I would never get around to sharing with you so here it goes...

The views of his room from different angles Now, I should have started by saying that I took the pictures late last night or rather in the early morning hours when I couldn't sleep, so they're probably a bit dark :( - sorry!

By now you've probably figured out that I prefer a "gathered over time" look rather than an everything-match-perfectly look, and Hudson's nursery is no exception. These two shelves hold some of my favorite vintage finds for Hudson. Vintage embroidered pillowcase (maybe Hudson will be born on a Thursday and then it will be even more perfect, LOL!) Vintage circus tray and toy and the sweetest little silver "locket style" rattle that my friend Bridgette gave me for Hudson. It opens up to hold two photos: Grace & Hudson - how perfect! Photo of Lance at his first birthday - LOVE IT! - along with a sweet vintage ducky planter and Grace's first softie blabla frog doll. The red dog is a vintage reproduction given to us by Lance's Aunt Marilyn. It is a reproduction of the one the owner of the company she worked for 20+ years had as a child. His name (the dog) is Pudgy and they had him made to celebrate the company's anniversary. I think Hudson will love playing with Pudgy! Hudson's crib and bedding. Not a great picture but you get the idea. I love the tangerine shag rug and I think he'll like wiggling his toes all over it :) The patchwork quilt is my favorite!! I ordered a vinyl wall monogram to go over his crib. It came in yesterday but it's not the right colors :( so back to square one for what to hang there. Any suggestions?? I don't want to do traditional letters spelling his name, but I'm pretty much open to anything else and would love your input.

Bedding close up: A "new" old hamper from Wendy Bellissimo. It sits next to his crib and I think I'll use it to corral toys rather than clothes. His sweet hospital wreath made by dear friend Heidi. I love that it's more modern and not what you would find in a store. Woodlands bouncy seat with the cutest little hedgehogs! Changing table His changing pad with one of my favorite cuddle blankies/lovies on top. It's a vintage inspired circus/petting zoo print by icky baby. Close up of the painting Grace did for Hudson along with her handprint signature :) And a sweet little sign that although hard to see, reads "the blessedness of being little" His dresser I added the vintage alphabet scrapbook paper to the shadowboxes hanging on the wall. I've cut out orange scrapbook paper in the shape of a smaller square to take to the hospital when the time comes. Hopefully soon one of the shadowboxes will house his newborn hospital cap/id bracelet and the other one his little footprints.

Sweet little details on his dresser (can't wait to have actual photos in the frames!) Sock monkey with a cute vintage animal crackers tin can I found recently at a yard sale. LOL, Grace calls the tin "Hudson's jewelry box"! Vintage globe and fun little retro sneaks Fun toys - I love old-fashioned wooden toys View of the nook in his room. I couldn't find any window treatments that I loved, so I just hung some silk curtains that used to be in our room a long time ago. They work for now :) Wall collage - still tweaking this A LOT. The shadowbox has the outfit Lance wore home from the hospital 32 years ago! I really love this sweet little peg rack I found a couple of years ago for $10 from a store that was relocating! It holds some of my favorite outfits for Hudson and right above it is a sweet cross given to us by friends. A couple of cute outfits I can't wait to put on the little guy :) Finally, his little moses basket where he'll spend his first few nights at home Thanks for touring his room. I hope you enjoyed taking a peek into our Hudson Rowe's nursery! We can't wait to hold him in our arms and introduce him to his sweet big sister...soon I hope!


  1. Good job on the' so sweet :) I love that you always have vintage stuff throughout...youre making me want to do entire husband wouldnt like that haha!

  2. you are talented! it is all sweet and well thought-out! keep your eyes peeled, you'll find the right idea/piece for above the crib...or "pull out" one of the letters from his bedding and have it re-created/hand-painted above his bed...

  3. I can't believe I never commented on Hudson's room! I love everything about it, you did a fabulous job. you are all kinds of amazing! I bet that fun orange rug is super soft to roll around on and every time I see his bouncer in the store (often) I think of you guys. You have a wonderful knack for combining vintage and new and making it all work together. Love the fun color palette.

  4. Thank you ladies! You guys are too sweet!

    I'm still tweaking his room...moving things here and there and filling up the picture frames and shadowboxes :) And I STILL haven't found anything for over his crib :( Still looking though!

    Angel~ Hudson DOES love rubbing his little feet all over that shag rug - he, he, he!


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