Sunday, June 21, 2009

I love you daddy!

One of the benefits of not having had the induction on Friday was that we were able to spend Father's Day together at home rather than in the hospital. Grace colored cards for her daddy and three grandpas. Noonie & Papa J joined us for church and lunch and then Noonie treated us to a homemade brownie cheesecake at home. I'm not a big cheesecake fan but this was really yummy! Grace was quite the little helper and volunteered to open all the presents :)

Daddy & Grace acting quite silly (actually I was trying to get a picture of the two of them which was almost impossible with the little energizer bunny running all around) Grace loves Curious George and got a kick out of saying her daddy was "the man in the yellow shirt" :) Little helper at work Time to help Papa J with his gift (check out the little hair flower - love how cute it looked with Grace's dress!) A big hug for Papa J Happy Father's Day to all the daddies and grandpas out there! Hope your day was wonderful! And Happy Birthday to my sweet grandma!!! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!

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