Tuesday, June 16, 2009

pretty little things

As I write this I'm sitting right under our family room ceiling fan, with an additional stand-up unit pointing straight at me at full blast. It was 96 degrees outside today with a heat index in the low 100s, it's 72 inside the house...with the thermostat set to 68. My fingers are swollen, so are my toes. The little pumpkin is tucked in and hubby is watching a ball game. What's a majorly preggo girl with heartburn from our earlier italian take out to do? Why a little online browsing of course!

I love these sweet birthday hats from A Rabbit in the Hat! They're a little different than other handmade ones I've seen out there and I love that they have vintage appeal.

This one is my current favorite: And how cute is this one for a little boy!! And of course I have a weakness for vintage circus/carnivals so I had to throw this one in here too! Now these are strictly for the girly girlies, like my pink-loving little pumpkin. Check out these sweet pretty.messy.flowers, aren't they so fun?!! They're made by Julie of Joy's Hope. You can check out her blog HERE and read the story of her sweet firstborn daughter Joy and you can shop her etsy shop HERE. Julie helped raise funds for Cora's Playground by selling these sweet flower pins and headbands.

Although it's hard to pick just one, this one is my current favorite! Grace has just started wearing headbands and she thinks they are so grown up :) I think it's a perfect match to this sweet little number I picked up at Target this weekend for $12.99! Isn't it cute?! I think it's supposed to be a tunic top but I bought it two sizes bigger so Grace could wear it as a dress. I'm thinking of adding a little ric rac to the bottom just for fun :)

And finally, check out this little cutie! More on this one to come...

1 comment:

  1. Love the hats!! She made Molly a special one for her birthday last year and I loved it!
    That Target dress is sooo cute!! I'm going to hunt it down tomorrow.
    Hudson's nursery is darling!


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