Friday, July 3, 2009

Hot Wheels

Last Monday my sweet goddaughter Madeline had her 6th birthday a skating rink! I remember spending MANY a jr. high nights at the local skating rink feeling all cool and grown up :) And seems Lance was quite the skater back in the day too. I think he even held some sort of skating champ title :)

I stayed home with Hudson and Lance took Grace skating for the first time!!! I made him take the camera to document this first in her life. From the look of it she had a great time!

Getting laced up and giving the cheesy "cheese" Getting used to the skates...not too sure OK, I think I'm ready! Skating is serious business! Looking on as Madeline opens her present She couldn't stop talking about it when she got home - she had so much fun!

Happy 6th Birthday, Madeline!!!
Aunt Jessica loves you! XOXO

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