Thursday, July 30, 2009

it's okay, little bruder

Grace is so sweet with her little brother. She is definitely mama's little helper. Whenever he starts to fuss, she'll go right next to him and tell him, "It's okay, little bruder. You're alright little fella." Cracks me up and melts my heart all at the same time! P.S. Look at his pudgy belly!!! He's growing by leaps and bounds. At his last unofficial weigh in (on our scale) he weighed over 10 lbs!

P.P.S. Cori~ thank you for the cute embroidered onesies - they're so cute!

P.P.P.S. Darn that bar on his bouncy seat! I only had a second to abandon the dishes in the sink and grab the camera...oh, well - you get the picture.

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