Saturday, August 8, 2009

goody, goody gumdrop

Stumbling upon a fab vintage find makes me as excited as a 2 year old in a candy store. Make that MORE excited! Check out this sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet chair painted the most beautiful shade of robin's egg blue. I loooooooooooove it!

Wondering how I came to be the proud owner of this beauty? My dear friend Michelle had it for a long time sitting in her garage since she couldn't find the right spot for it in her house. She remembered I had once said I loved the shade of blue on that chair. That was a couple of years ago and I had forgotten all about it. Well, this past week when we came over for a playdate, she GAVE it to me!!! THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU!!! Michelle~ we need more playdates that end like that - ha, ha, ha!

These pictures do not do it justice. I took them at the end of the day with my old point-n-shoot camera and working with Grace's 2-second attention span :) but you can already tell the potential this chair has! I'm envisioning fall pictures using this chair as a prop. Parking it in a leaf covered patch along with big, plump pumpkins and of course the little pumpkin and baby Hudson in their matchy matchy fall outfits! I love the juxtaposition of the aqua blue against all the golden fall hues. Love it. In the meantime, once I get some wood glue after it (I realize now why Grace was scared when standing on of those legs is REALLY wobbly), it's going to become the sweetest little nightstand in Grace's's going to look so sweet with her favorite dollie and some of these on there!

Pure eye candy to my old soul. Thank you, Michelle...I love it!!!


  1. The chair is adorable - you're right - but hey your children are just simply the most adorable things ever. I've been going through your blog and I love it - it's so similar to mine - we have very similar taste.

    Looking forward to your next post!


  2. I am so glad that you all could make it to the party. Hudson is so cute and little. Thanks for sharing your pictures. My email is Thanks again girl.

  3. LOVE the chair! I'm sure you will have tons of fun taking photos with it. What a great idea to use it as a nightstand too!


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