Saturday, August 29, 2009

A is for Alligator...and for Abram!

Last weekend we went to a birthday party for the son of some friends of ours, Cori & Eric. It was at an alligator park and man, oh man did they have a bunch of gators!!! Like over 300 I think! We got to see them up close and personal and even watched a feeding - yikes!

They have them separated by age with an enclosure for the big ones and one for the wee ones. Here's Grace checking out the big ones (it looks like they're right by her, but they're actually in a big pit). We even got to pet a "tiny one". Well, at least I did :) Grace enjoyed feeding this deer and the other animals there - that is until the mama llama grabbed the feed cup and all, then the tears started rolling. Cake time! Amelia and her brother, birthday boy Abram - so cute those two!! We had so much fun! Thanks for inviting us!!


  1. Hey girl,

    I know this is completely off the subject of your post, but I came across something today that made me think of you and Grace. I saw a cupcake fairy halloween costume in the One Step Ahead catalog. I didn't know if you and Grace had decided your halloween costume yet or not. Also, we are planning a Halloween Party for Halloween evening at our house. It is going to be geared toward the kiddos...kind of like a carnival. Would you and your family be interested?

    Have a good day!

  2. Hi, Julie!
    Thanks for the tip on the costume - will have to check it out!! A halloween carnival for the kiddos - how fun!!! Count us in! I have lots of carnival-y stuff - would love to help. Let me know what I can do! Yea! Can't wait!!


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