Tuesday, August 25, 2009

lickety split

It goes by so fast doesn't it? My little guy is already 2 months. The unofficial weigh in says 13.2 lbs - yikes! He's quite the little chub and I love to tickle that squishy belly!! There's nothing like that new baby smell, is there? He smells so sweet, so pure and wholesome. And he's still curly. Know what I mean??? I love it when I first pick him up after he's been asleep on my chest for some time and he just stays tucked like a little ball. God sure knew what He was doing when He made babies so stinkin' cute and squishable and sweet smelling...sure has a hypnotic effect over those sleepless nights :)

Love you with all my heart, Hudson!


  1. What a cutie pie!! Glad you're enjoying every moment with that little man. I also love how well your orange bracelet goes with his outfit :)

  2. Ha, ha, ha Heather - you crack me up! That's one of Grace's stretchy bracelets she picked out for being brave when she got her ears pierced :) She insisted I wear it. She also put a yellow one on Hudson's ankle, LOL!


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