Wednesday, August 5, 2009

she looks so grown up

You know how when you see someone every day and they put on a bit of weight you don't really notice?? Where is this going, you say. Stay with me, okay?

Well today I had my 6 week post partum appointment and no babysitter so off we headed the little pumpkin, baby Hudson and I to my doctor's office. I was really nervous about how this would go. What would happen if I was feeding Hudson and Grace decided to explore her surroundings? After all if she ran out of the exam room, what was I supposed to do - run after her paper gown and all????!!!! I had (bribed) promised Grace that if she behaved at Dr. T's office, we would go to Barnes & Noble and not only read books, but get a cookie as well, as a reward. She did great (portable DVD of Curious George and all) so we headed there right after. And this is where my analogy comes in...
We were the only ones in the kids section which is a miracle all on its own, so I decided to snap a few pictures of Grace doing one of the activities she loves - reading. When I downloaded them to my computer my heart sank. Where did my little baby go? To me, she looks so grown up in these pictures. Maybe it's the big bows and the piggy tails, but she looks like a preschooler and not a little baby anymore - sniff, sniff. Why, oh why must they grow up so quickly? I'm so glad I'm a photo fanatic (loved one's term :) because I want to remember every single stage of my little ones' lives. One day, they will enjoy looking back and seeing what they were doing, say on an ordinary Wednesday afternoon. Now if I can only get better about actually developing photos rather than storing them on my computer! At least I have that sweet, silly face to remind me that there's still plenty of "baby" in there.

Grace~ I love you with all my heart!
XOXO, Mama


  1. Oh my she looks like such a big girl is the 2nd and 3rd pictures!! Like a little of her chubby cheeks are gone :( By the way, we have the book in the first pic it's one of E's old favorites. How fun watching her grow and the pictures are priceless.

  2. I just did a quick run through of your older posts to see the difference and boy does her face look different since even last Easter. I agree with Heather, her chubby baby face is much leaner. And look how long her arms are! And her hair is much much longer now too.

    I felt the same way about my girls when they were running around our backyard in bathing suits this year. Their arms and legs have just gotten so long.

    Just think, in another 6 months you'll be seeing it all over again. Keep taking lots of photos and don't feel bad for not printing them (as long as they are backed up nice and good). It's a sign of the times.



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