Saturday, August 15, 2009

who needs naps anyway?

Friday was one of those days. You know, a no nap kind of day. Don't little ones know that naps are really, really, really, really important? To the mommies that is.

Not only does the little pumpkin love monkeys, she can be one herself. She built a fort with her pillow and top sheet, figured out how to make No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed come alive, played hide & seek with Penny the owl, called mama to retrieve "dropped" lovies and what nots too many times to count, and a dozen other activities during nap time, none involving sleep of course. After an hour of this, my patience worn out, I declared naptime over.

Thank goodness we don't have too many days without naps :)

Who can stay mad at a face like this though? Especially when she's telling me all about animals "patching out" (hatching out), begging for one more round of Ring Around the Rosie, and loving on her brother while telling me he's got "chubby little eyes" :)

They won't be little forever, I remind myself. And one day I'll beg for days with no naps just to hold them in my lap a little longer and hear their sweet belly giggles all over again.


  1. This is so true!!! Soak them up now!!! Your kiddos are too cute!

  2. her outfit is the cutest I have ever seen!! I LOVE it!!!


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