Saturday, August 1, 2009

wholesome goodness

You know your weekend is off to a good start when it starts with THIS + crispy bacon & a tall glass of OJ! I made some old-fashioned blueberry vanilla pancakes for breakfast and they were y-u-m-m-y!

After getting everyone ready (which now seems to take an extra hour) we headed to the downtown farmer's market. *borrowed photo - I forgot my camera in the car :(

By the time we got there it was 10am, late by market standards, and some of the goodies were already gone. But we did manage to walk away with these juicy nectarines and strawberries which the little pumpkin loved with some cream for dessert and even this freshly baked jalapeno cheese bread which was scrumptious (Grace's new word) with the gumbo Lance made for dinner. Yum-yum-yum-yum-yum! sign courtesy of Sunset Valley Farmers Market in Austin

Can't wait to go back!

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