Somehow I don't think he minded the purple one - he was pretty fascinated with the whole thing and kept trying to grab it.

Grace called them "wrinkled up tennis balls" :) and I must say I could see the resemblance! Having seen them before but not knowing what they were, I looked them up when we got home. Here's what we found: they're commonly known as "monkey balls" and they're actually the fruit of the Osage Orange tree.
They're inedible for humans, but squirrels seem to love them. Some people put them in cupboards and around the house (?????) because they say the balls are great natural exterminators as they seem to have some sort of anti-fungicide that deters insects. Bet you always wanted to know that, right? he, he, he How about this little tidbit: in years gone by, kids used these for "street bowling" :)
It was neat learning something new and it gave me a chance to teach the little pumpkin about texture, seasonal fruits, and why we can't eat just anything, even if "it's pretty mama!" (my favorite part of the lesson).
Of course we couldn't leave the park without feeding the ducks, which were HUNGRY this particular morning. I was able to let the little pumpkin get closer to the water this time than in the spring - although I still had to watch her because the inclination to jump in is just too great at times :) Another reminder that she's growing up so fast **sniff, sniff**
And check out this cute giraffe Grace made at school this morning: Isn't it sweet?! She was beaming from ear to ear when I picked her up and she quickly told me "Giraffe is for G" (a little backward, but so sweet) and "it's cute just like Hudson!!!" (halloween costume).
They used little cut pieces of sponge to make the spots, then added "a googly eye, mama!" and a little yarn tail. I love that her school does lots of art projects. So much fun!