Tuesday, September 8, 2009

PreK is so much fun!!!

Today was Grace's first day in the 2 year old class at the Mother's Day Out program she attends. She was sooooooooooo excited! It was so cute to see her be so happy and looking forward to school.

Bright sun + Squirmy, excited toddler = goofy "cheese" smiles :) Another picture??? But Mama, I'm so ready to go already! Such a big girl with her cute backpack ready to tackle the world! Whoever invented the "say cheese" wasn't thinking about toddlers :) There, that's more like it! {of course, the moment we get a sweet picture, the camera decides to lose focus - arrrggghh} Checking out the new book Noonie got her. Thank you Noonie for watching Hudson this morning so Grace and I could spend some one-on-one time during her first day of K-2! Exploring {and not quite ready to let go of her backpack just yet} Finally! The little backpack made it to its place on the wall :) And with that it was time for mama to leave. I know I say it a lot, but what a difference a year makes! She was such a big girl and didn't cry one bit when I left. Her new teachers Mrs. Maria and Mrs. Patti said she did great all day...even helped console a fellow classmate who was sad...until naptime that is. And then she wasn't ready to wind down. She was the last one to fall asleep - he, he, he, doesn't surprise me one bit. When I got there she was conked out holding on to her beloved Curious George in jammies. So sweet! Later that afternoon, Noonie came by with a little Potty Success/Back to School present. I can do it all by myself {We hear that a lot around here!} Homework already?? Just kidding! But she's loving learning to trace her ABCs. What a fun day for Grace! Here's to a GREAT school year, little pumpkin!!


  1. Your daughter is a doll! I found your blog by googling something about shabby chic - and your daughter's bedroom showed up...it is SO adorable! I was actually wondering if you would mind if I shared pix of her room on my own blog (linking back to yours, of course)...??? My blog is http://sopickincute2.blogspot.com. Thanks!


  2. No problem, Abby and thanks for stopping by! Link away! :)

  3. She's so grown up!
    Love the backpack!


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