Sunday, September 13, 2009


What a busy week it's been! We've been getting back into the swing of things with school which means earlier bedtimes that make our days seem shorter, but we've still managed to squeeze in a few new and fun things.

Friday we tried a new storytime for older preschoolers at the library. This one has dancing and a mini movie segment to boot (storytime has changed A LOT since I was a little girl :). Grace loved it. Here she is trying out new moves all the while Hudson just snoozed :) (he's a great napper so long as we're out and home - not so much) And of all the things to do at the library, Grace loves this vintage tricycle the best A girl after my own heart, what can I say?!

Of course, we couldn't forget about FOOTBALL SEASON!!!!!! Here's Hudson wearing purple and gold for the first time I think I heard him say Geaux Tigers!!

And Curious George is not our only monkey friend around here. Look who else likes monkeys! Take the monkey away and this is the look you get And me...I've managed to squeeze a little time to work on a mini project...more pics soon! And finally, HAPPY GRANDPARENTS DAY Noonie & Papa J, Mimi & Pop, Papaw & Mimsy from Grace & Hudson and Mememaw and Tata from Lance and me. Wow, that's a lot of grandparents!! We are very blessed indeed!

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