Sunday, September 27, 2009

to the CIRCUS!!!!!!!

Yesterday was the long anticipated day...we were finally going to the circus! After a yummy breakfast, we were on our way. We got there early and were able to check out the elephants as the trainers were feeding them and getting them ready for the big show. Remember this? Grace had wanted to see an elephant at the farm so bad. We've been talking about elephants and thanks to Carson & Preston, we've been learning about our sponsored elephant Miss Bets who was born in 2007 just like Grace. The little pumpkin was sooooooooo excited to finally see one up close and personal! Once inside I put my dislike of clowns aside and asked Grace if she wanted a picture with them since they were taking photos with all the kiddos. NO WAY was her response so we moved on to classic circus stuff, if you ask me...COTTON CANDY!!!!!! Yea!!! What is this stuff? I've never seen this before. Mmmm...Yummy! Way on our way to a sugar high...but it's the circus so anything goes! We found our seats and headed down to do fun things. First stop? You guessed it - the ELEPHANTS - they really are magnificent up close. Next, pony rides!! Another first :) It was time for the show to begin...Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of all ages...just like I remember it from 25+ years ago. Someone was so excited she couldn't even sit down at first! This is fun! We saw things like this: yup, that tiger walked a tightrope! Someone was mesmerized by all the stunts. We ate more cotton candy... and saw all kinds of fun acrobats too! At intermission, we called it a day. We had already seen 1 1/2 hours of the show and the little pumpkin was growing restless. It was after all, her naptime.

But before we could call it a day, someone spotted these fun inflatable things and was so excited we HAD to take a Dora one home with us :) All in all, a very fun time!

Thanks Noonie for watching Hudson so Lance and I could take Grace to her very first circus!!!


  1. I enjoyed my time with Hudson and also enjoyed the fact that you and Lance got to spend some very special one-on-one time with Grace at her very first visit to the circus and the pony ride. I loved her excitement when she told me she had ridden the pony and seen the elephants with the loooooong nose and the tigers that GROWLEDrrrrrrr and the acrobats which are "people that swing like monkeys!!!". I know you all had a great time!
    Love, Mom/Noonie

  2. Ooooh, I forgot she said that about the acrobats - he, he, he. Thanks for reminding me!

  3. I had to take my kids to the circus this summer too. I was planning my sons 4th birthday and it was a circus theme so I had to take him. It was a lot of fun!!!

    Grace is cute and I like her cute shoes!!


  4. Looks like such a fun time for all three of you. No doubt Grace will remember this for a long time. Pony rides at her age are such a treat. Love the outfit and your cute cotton-candy-eating-girl.


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