How cheesy is that title??? I know. I know. But our time at the corn maze was
We had talked about it for a while, but none of us had ever been out there, so this past weekend we decided to be spontaneous and make the trek out to the middle of nowhere to go to the
CORN MAZE. We're still talking about more ways than one...but we'll get to that at the end :)
It was a bit chilly and very
WINDY, but we didn't let that stop us! We just bundled up and off we went.

Off to explore...

Love the funny signs posted all around.
Little missy ever so prissy wasn't a big fan of the mosquitoes (they were EVERYWHERE from all the rain this past week, I guess).

Hudson seemed to have a fun time...he kept kicking his little legs in excitement
(sorry for the fuzzy pics - had to use the old point-n-shoot since I had Hudson strapped to me the whole time). 
Nature Lesson along the corn maze...we even found ant beds along our trek.

After finding our way out we had to make a stop for some funny pictures.
Cutest little rooster if you ask me!

Grace's turn!

Off to try out the old horse swing. Is it just me or do you also find it hilarious that in the middle of the open field there's a working coke machine!?!

Fun times at the duck races...especially since one of her ducks was

Obligatory photo op...the little pumpkin is officially 38" these days!!

Hudson's turn...he cheated a bit - he, he, he!

My favorite part, hands down!

Making corn angels!

So much fun!

Having a good 'ole time!

Even Hudson got to check out the corn

I wanted to jump in so bad, but I couldn't since I had the little guy in the bjorn the whole time :(

Remember my opening comment...
we're still talking about the corn maze...well, since I loved the corn bin so much and insisted we
FULLY experience the corn (even Hudson had to touch it), it just never even occured to me that both kiddos could have a mild corn/hay allergy :O ...couple of days later and we're still dealing with itchy watery eyes, sneezes, and runny noses. Maybe it was just a coincidence and they've both just got a little cold???
At least that's what I'm telling myself. One final stop at the cow choo choo and it was time to call it a day.
Can't wait to go again next year!