Wednesday, October 21, 2009

jack-o-lantern smiles

Every year since my goddaughter Madeline was born (2003), my friend Heidi and I have made our way to the pumpkin patch. It's our little tradition. And as traditions go, after a while you start adding expectations to the mix. Uh-oh.

We had great expectations for this year's pumpkin pictures. Then we were rained out not once but twice. Maybe it was a sign???? Anywhoo...expectations and four wiggly little people 6 and under just don't mix. Lesson learned.

The hour we spent at the pumpkin patch was filled with pics like this - the Pumpkin Potty Pose (say that three times fast): I can't even begin to tell you the bribes we resorted to...lollipops, slushies, extra reading time at bedtime, curious george movie in the I said expectations - ours, not theirs. Big mistake.

Group Photo Take 1 Madeline - 6, Grace - 2 1/2, Ella Kate - 14 months, Hudson - 4 months

Group Photo Take 2 Group Photo Take 3 Group Photo Take 4 Group Photo Take 5
I finally gave up on the "perfect picture" and asked them to give me their goofiest smiles. Smart choice. So this is the one I'm choosing to frame - Goofy Smiles 2009. To remind myself that having a great time is much more important than having great pictures. Hey, maybe we'll start a new tradition and not only name each year's group photo but see just how silly we can get. Thank you Madeline, Ella Kate, Grace, and Hudson!
Lesson learned my little darlings.
I love you so much! XOXO

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