Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not So Spooky Ghosts

Another little project that turned out really cute...are you sensing a theme here? Yes, we do A LOT of projects around our house. The little pumpkin loves them, I get to use all the scrapbook supplies that are just gathering dust in my closet, and I get to "listen" to the wheels spinning in her head. I LoVe the things she thinks about while doing projects.

Any project that starts out with shredding a big chunk of paper and using glue is a winner around here.

Then you pat it all down (I love Grace's hands...those sweet little chubby hands...her arms and legs may be growing by leaps and bounds, but those little hands still say 'baby' to me :) Next, we outlined our ghosts. More glue and pat, pat, pat. And the little pumpkin got to try out something new - the hole punch! Notice how hard she is concentrating :) Itty bitty eyes sure bring out the giggles! Putting them in place is F-U-N-N-Y! I think this is the moment she "saw" the ghosts. Geez...that sounds kind of spooky, doesn't it? Mini spelling lesson thrown in just for fun. A few thoughts recorded...

What is halloween all about?
Spiders and bats.
What are you going to be for halloween?
A cupcake.
What should mama be for halloween?
A pumpkin.
A spider or a bat.
A giraffe.
A halloween dog (giggle, giggle, giggle).
Curious George?
A cupcake just like me (wink).
What is candy corn?
Where do pumpkins come from?
The pumpkin patch.
How do pumpkins get to the pumpkin patch?
They walk, walk, walk. :)

After a little break to play with this sweet little guy she signed her masterpiece and that was that! Can you see how proud she is of her artwork? And best of all...tonight right after we said our prayers, she cuddled up really tight next to me and in the sweetest voice looked me in the eyes and said, "you're MY pumpkin, mama". Be still my heart.


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