Monday, October 26, 2009

October = birthdays

October must be a popular month for birthdays...yesterday we celebrated four of Lance's relatives birthdays. Of course, the moment Grace hears "birthday" she thinks it should be her turn :) She loves to sing happy birthday and sneak a taste of birthday cake...this was no exception. When she heard so many names called, she wondered why hers wasn't one of them (oh, to be two again!). Thank you Aunt Marilyn for indulging her and relighting one little candle so she could make a wish. Must be a good wish...can you see how hard she is blowing? Sneak full sight! That's cousin Jade sneaking a little taste too! ;) All the while this little guy was happy as a clam to hang out with Mimsy and Papaw. Check out the sweet grin! So Happy Birthday Mememaw, Aunt Evelyn, Aunt Martha, and Lexi! Aunt Evelyn~ I hope I'm doing as good as you when I turn 94!!! God bless you!

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