Saturday, October 3, 2009


Funny how some mistakes turn out better than if you'd planned them all along! Today, after getting the little pumpkin all excited about vising the pumpkin patch, I turned into the parking lot of the church only to find out the patch wasn't set up and wouldn't be until this Sunday. A couple of calls to check on other patches - Nope, none of them open yet. But it's October folks???? What to do, What to do.

This particular produce stand close to home came to mind. Even though I've wanted to stop by there many, many times, I never have. Boy oh boy, what I've been missing!!!!!!! When we got there, they were SO welcoming and sweet. They were setting out and organizing pumpkins in the old barn, but said they didn't mind us taking pictures. You should have seen Grace's smile - it was priceless! Disappointment averted...Check!

I love this picture. We had just arrived and as soon as I got her out of the car, she ran inside to check things out. She didn't see me sneak up on her and I love how it looks like she's thinking, "Should I or shouldn't I?" And I love that the box reads "Cinderella" :) She had so much fun picking out pumpkins, giving them silly names, and then adding them to our stack. I'm in love with this wheelbarrow. It was the perfect spot to perch Hudson and take his very first pumpkin pictures!! Hmmm...I'm not too sure about this. Then Grace decided she wanted to take him for a ride - yikes! So it was time to wrap it up in the wheelbarrow :) But not before snapping one last photo of my favorite little guy.

If I pose like this, will you hurry up mama? I'm getting hungry! Time to pay and head home. But then we saw this tractor... And just HAD to let the little pumpkin check it out. It was SO MUCH FUN! A perfect afternoon after all.



  1. Looks like everyone had a great time! I can't believe the pumpkin patch wasn't open yet?! The market you went to saved the day, for sure :)

  2. how fun!! what cute pics and fabulous memories!! i just did Jules five year old photo shoot in the skirt...SO cute!!!

    take a bow Jenn

  3. Love Hudson in the wheel barrel and Grace on that tractor. Such cute pictures!!! Love the skirt too! Isn't this time of year just the best? I want to take the kiddos somewhere fallish every day.


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