In short, it's a story about the first pig ever who had a verrrrrry long nose (think: elephant) and walked around comparing it to other animals with long noses. Of course, he felt his was a much better nose and so he walked with it way up in the air. So much so that one day he ran into a tree and WHAM! his beautiful long nose was reduced to a wrinkly little snout and all he could say was OINK, OINK, OINK.
You can see why a toddler would love it and I must say the pop-up illustrations are really vibrant and dynamic. So if you have a toddler on your shopping list this Christmas, this is a cute book to get!
Grace talked about it all day Friday and Saturday and we tried to find it at Barnes & Noble on Sunday but couldn't. We did find the companion book, The Wide-Mouthed Frog, but it's not as good as the pig one. Just a hint :)
We love books at our house, so if you know of a particularly good one, will you drop me a line and tell me about it? I love to get good book recommendations!
My favorites as a child:
Mother, Mother I Want Another by Maria Polushkin Robbins and Over in the Meadow by Ezra Jack Keats.
Carson's favorites:
Five Little Pumpkins, Swing and Gallop.
Love the posts lately! I've been behind - but hey, that's nothing new! Love you guys! I hope to see you before the holidays, Carson has gifts for Grace and Hudson.
We have both of those! My girls LOVE them...they are actually both in a state of disrepair as they have been loved on so much :)
take a bow Jenn
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