Wednesday, November 18, 2009

the long nosed pig

I know what you must be thinking after yesterday's post...another pig? But this one is completely different :) Have you read this book to your preschooler? We just stumbled upon it this past Friday during "library week" at Gymboree and Grace LOVED it! She held onto it the entire class. Getting her to leave it there was a MAJOR undertaking.

In short, it's a story about the first pig ever who had a verrrrrry long nose (think: elephant) and walked around comparing it to other animals with long noses. Of course, he felt his was a much better nose and so he walked with it way up in the air. So much so that one day he ran into a tree and WHAM! his beautiful long nose was reduced to a wrinkly little snout and all he could say was OINK, OINK, OINK.

You can see why a toddler would love it and I must say the pop-up illustrations are really vibrant and dynamic. So if you have a toddler on your shopping list this Christmas, this is a cute book to get!

Grace talked about it all day Friday and Saturday and we tried to find it at Barnes & Noble on Sunday but couldn't. We did find the companion book, The Wide-Mouthed Frog, but it's not as good as the pig one. Just a hint :)

We love books at our house, so if you know of a particularly good one, will you drop me a line and tell me about it? I love to get good book recommendations!


  1. My favorites as a child:
    Mother, Mother I Want Another by Maria Polushkin Robbins and Over in the Meadow by Ezra Jack Keats.

    Carson's favorites:
    Five Little Pumpkins, Swing and Gallop.

    Love the posts lately! I've been behind - but hey, that's nothing new! Love you guys! I hope to see you before the holidays, Carson has gifts for Grace and Hudson.

  2. We have both of those! My girls LOVE them...they are actually both in a state of disrepair as they have been loved on so much :)

    take a bow Jenn


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