Thursday, December 24, 2009

blog hopping, cookies, a tasty recipe, and a valentine find...

...with a few pictures of my munchkins thrown in just for fun! BLOG HOPPING~
I've stumbled upon some really fun blogs lately, but these two are at the top of my list! I love, love, love all the fun crafts these creative moms share, all while doing the family balancing act beautifully. Check them out - you won't be disappointed!

Ashley Ann - Under the Sycamore

Meg - Whatever
While reading Meg's blog, I found THIS amazingly easy and delicious recipe for Crescent Chicken. Made it tonight and only 3 little bundles remain (out of 16!). I think we're already looking forward to leftovers for lunch - yum!
On what I hope was my last visit to a store for at least a week - why, oh why did I wait to go grocery shopping until yesterday afternoon????? - I stumbled upon these cute little slippers
in the dollar section of Target! Except they were $2.50. That dollar section can be misleading! But a great deal nonetheless. I picked up a pair to put back with the little pumpkin's valentine treats. If you have girlies, you may just want to make your way to Target and grab a pair - I bet they'll go fast. Sorry, no boy ones - at least not at our Target.

I also picked up a pair of blue elephant ones with long trunks to stick in her know to complement THIS book that I hear Santa has already loaded in his sleigh ;) Wait, it just hit me. I bet the elephant ones are meant to be the boy version. Duh! Oh, well - I know the little pumpkin is going to be thrilled with those! No pics - they're already tucked in her stocking, but I bet she'll be sporting them come Christmas morning.

And last, but certainly not least, this amazing Cookie Wreath is the inspiration for the cookies we'll be baking later today. Don't you just love those retro colors?!?! Check out the step by step instructions and gorgeous pictures from Serena at The Farm Chicks.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve!


  1. My Target didn't have the slippers yet. Yes, I ran out the same day I read this to look. LOL

    And that chicken casserole is on the menu for this week. Looks so yummy! thanks for sharing your finds.

  2. Thanks, Ashley!

    Angel~ I picked up 2 extra ones (one pink birdie and one blue elephant). I'll send them your way - you can decide who gets what or maybe you can trade the elephant one in for a birdie? If you already have some for E & A, then just share the joy with another little girlie :) BTW, they run a bit big, but just for fun around the house they're so cute!

  3. Should've added that I looked again this morning and they are all sold out at ours hence why I'm sending one of each instead of 2 birdies. Maybe they'll restock since it's valentine's?? They also have some cuuuute owl aprons that I bet E & A would enjoy :)

  4. Oh my! You are too too sweet to me. Thanks for checking on the plate too. I've googled everything I can think of too. Maybe I'll happen upon it someday.

  5. You're very welcome :)
    I'll keep my eye out too for the plate. Never know where these things will pop up!


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