Friday, December 18, 2009

little red schoolhouse

Yesterday was Grace's Christmas party at MDO. They sang little songs while playing old fashion leather jingle bells. So cute to see 10 two year olds singing and dancing their little hearts out for baby Jesus. I love that hers is a Christian program so that even though Santa paid them a visit, the festivities are all centered on baby Jesus' birthday. This little tree you see is decorated with all the ornaments from the 1 and 2 y/o classes. Ornaments made by little hands with the help of some very sweet big hands. Check out this reindeer - it's not one that her class made, but I love him so! I think we'll have to make our own version at home this weekend :) Such cuteness!

The teachers asked both of the 2 y/o classes what they wanted for Christmas and then posted it on the wall by the tree. And what did the little pumpkin wish for???...Do I even need to say? Of course, the pig book! Speaking of sweet hands, earlier in the week we brought her teachers some little gifts. Grace was so excited to give them and tell them Merry Christmas. In fact I think it went something like this: I have a present for YOU!!! It's really cute. Wanna see it? Oh, yeah, Merry Christmas! Here, I can help you open it :) On Thursday, the day of her party, I snuck in during their song time to snap a few pictures. I was saying something to Mrs. Clause and that's when she spotted me. Of course after that she got all shy with her singing. Her sweet teachers got each little one a coloring book and crayons all wrapped up with a big candy cane. Grace LOVED it! Especially her princess crayons! Thank you Mrs. Maria and Mrs. Patti!!! And then for the perfect ending to a very fun day, Grace and I went to see a local production of Mulan with my dear friend Heidi and my sweet goddaughter Madeline. It was our first "girls' night out". Such fun! When we got home I couldn't help snap a pic of the little pumpkin all dressed up in her fancies for the play! And since we're on the topic of school...I LOVE these little vintage inspired schoolhouse desks from Warm Biscuit Bedding Co. but what I really want to find is an authentic one, preferably with an attached chair, that I can refinish myself for the little pumpkin to use next year when she officially starts K-3! Just saying that out loud makes me teary-eyed. Where has time gone? I can't believe Grace will be 3 in less than three months!!!

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