Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve!

Such a fun jam packed day for us! This picture taken early this morning pretty much sums up the mood around our house all day. I love it. Christmas Eve morning around our house means BaKiNG - 3 generations baking. That's right, the little pumpkin, Noonie, and I spent our morning baking and decorating cookies. That picture was the result of telling the little pumpkin we were ready to start our official Bake Day we've been talking about all week. More pics to come - all that baking requires its own post ;)

And isn't that just the sweetest, most adorable dress ever? THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Angel for the sweet surprise that big sis gift was! We've been saving it for today and it couldn't have been more perfect. So from the bottom of our smiling hearts, THANK YOU! We went to Mimi & Pop's to celebrate Christmas. Had a great time in fellowship with loved ones, ate some delicious food, and opened more gifts than we deserve. One particular gift got quite the reaction. That's right, her very own PINK piano!!! She wasn't excited or anything ;) I hope this is the start of a very long love affair with the piano for her. THANK YOU Mimi & Pop! As you can see, a little someone was too enthralled to pose for a family pic :) There was a pretty bad car accident on our way back which meant our 20 minute trip took 1 hour and we missed Mass. Feeling sad about that but praying the people involved in the accident are okay. There is a morning service tomorrow we're planning to attend.

When we finally made it home we attempted a few pics in front of the tree. Angelic??? In reality, the little pumpkin was T-I-R-E-D from too much excitement and from skipping her nap. But the promise to set out cookies for Santa made her have a second wind! Check out our masterpieces from earlier in the day. And finally, off to bed...but not before our annual reading of "The Night Before Christmas". And once the littles were all tucked in, Santa's elves were busy at work putting together this and baking a Tres Leches Cake for Baby Jesus' Birthday!!!

Rejoice our Savior is Born Today!
Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la!


  1. OMG this post MADE my day! I love little pumpkin's face in all her pics! Too cute! Thanks for sharing!

  2. You are so welcome! I'm glad the little pumpkin loves her sweet dress. And that PINK piano is possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen!!! That pink trike is #2! Her smiles are just priceless. Love the pics of your two under the tree too.

  3. Thank you ladies!!! She is so funny with all her expressions. As you can tell, never a dull moment around our house :) *wink*

  4. Jessica -

    It looks like your family's Christmas Eve was very magical and fun! I love the piano! I can't wait for a private recital from the little pumpkin!


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