Sunday, December 27, 2009

wiggle, wiggle, wiggle - it's Christmas day!!!

That's the chorus of a funny self-made song Grace has been singing for weeks!

She'll run all around the house singing that line so excited and then when we tell her "not yet" she'll argue that it IS Christmas day. So of course Christmas morning, video camera in hand, we tried to get her to sing it but she got all camera shy and barely said the words. Isn't that the way it always goes with kids? Too funny!

Santa was really good to us. Guess he liked those yummy cookies we made for him since all he left behind was a couple of crummies. Soon after checking out Santa's plate, the little pumpkin made her way to the tree, where this got her attention A shiny, classic PINK radio flyer tricycle! Such a cute shade of pink too! I love the seat - makes me think of salt water taffy - part pink, part white. And did you see Super, our elf? Yup, for his last visit of the year, he parked himself right on that trike.

It was too cute to see her reaction. Christmas with little ones around is just mAgiCaL! Little guy was quite fond of his gifts too. That little car racer was one of his favorites. It makes vroom, vroom sounds and what nots when you pull the handle. He loves batting at it and honking the horn. One more reminder to me that he is 100% boy through and through. Santa must have quite the sense of humor, he left a very special present waaaaay up there! Wonder what it could be??? It's..THE..LONG..NOSED..PIG..BOOK! That smile is worth all the trouble Santa's elves went through to find that book. OINK, OINK! My best two gifts! A lovely morning indeed! And the best part of our morning - JESUS, the reason for the season! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY JESUS!!!

More pics of Christmas with our family to come!


  1. Looks like a FUN Christmas at your house! What great pics - love the expression on Grace's face when she opened her book. Thanks for sharing pics =)

  2. Looks like you had a very magical Christmas morning. You are creating so many wonderful memories for your kiddos. Christmas is so much more fun with kids around and a baby boy makes it even sweeter.

  3. She is too precious! Where did you get the pink bike?

    Love the Birthday Cake for Jesus!

  4. We DID have fun! Thank you all for stopping by and for your sweet comments!

    So true about Christmas with kiddos around, Angel!!

    Jenn~ we ordered the pink radio flyer from Toys-R-Us. Here's the link:

    Merry Christmas to all of you!

  5. I love the look on her face:) Classic!! My youngest is 1 and I cannot wait till next year. Your going to want to take the batteries out of your sons racer soon!! If I hear "Get out of the way!!" one more time!!

  6. Santa was a jolly ol' fella this year! I'm glad your little ones had such a good morning! I can't wait for us to get together soon! Carson sends a big 'THANK YOU' for his Thomas and Friends engines. He loves them!

    Big Hugs!

  7. Oh, my goodness! Ditto on the batteries!!!!!!!!!

    Amanda~ I'm so glad Carson liked them! We love the monogramed straw cups!!

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