Which brings me to a hodge podge of useful products which are what I like to call Fabulous on the Fly. These are some of my tried and tested faves, some which help me to save $$$ - and who couldn't use a few dollar saving tips these days - and some which just make my life easier and my chores faster. I'd love to hear yours and I bet I'll think of some more as soon as I press "publish post"...isn't that how it always works? :)
First, two beauty ones:
Neutrogena MoistureShine gloss in #06 Dizzy
It rivals my beloved MAC lipglass in Viva Glam V, at a fraction of the cost ($5 vs. $15), and since I'm a lipgloss kind of girl it just makes sense to keep these little tubes of loveliness stashed everywhere.
Mossimo Supply Co. long sleeve crewneck white tees from Target These are perhaps THE best layering tees I've ever owned. With just a dash of Lycra built in they hold their shape all day long - even with all that bending to pick up the baby a gazillion times a day - AND they layer perfectly without being bulky. In fact, the spandex helps to slenderize less than perfect mommy-parts :) And they even have those great long cuff seams (like in sweaters) to keep my bad habit of pinching the sleeves and pulling down with my fingers going strong!
And a little fuNNy...
Me: Grace, we need to find a tiara to go with your new princess dress.
Grace: Let's go get one at the beautiful store!
Guess she's been on one too many grocery store/hardware store errands with me lately :)
And now two household ones:

Bona floor care system

And a NOT so fuNnY one...
Picture this: The little pumpkin and I were at the check out line at Marshall's. It was particularly crowded this day. Grace was fidgeting with her Ugg-like boots.
Me: Is something wrong with your boots?
Grace: Yeah, they're all jacked up.
So what are some of your Fabulous on the Fly products or tips??? I'd love to know!
I don't actually know you, but I stumbled upon this blog and WOW!! I have just fallen in love with your family. I wanted to say thanks for sharing your heart, ideas and craftness with us. I work in the Childrens Dept at a church and have used several crafts from your blog for our kids!
Thanks again!!
Hi, Tara! You just made my day with your sweet words! Thank you SO MUCh!!!
I checked out your blog - such sweet kiddos! And I love your daughter Anniston's name!
For even more craft ideas, be sure to check out The Crafty Crow (link on my sidebar) - they have some amazing ones!
Have fun!
Thank you!! Sorry you had to check out my neglected blog. I spend too much time blog stalking and facebooking to keep up a blog! LOL!
And thanks for intorducing me to the Crafy Crow. Awesome ideas.
Hope you have a great week!!!
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