Monday, January 4, 2010

giddy...ok, make that super giddy!

I'm over the moon happy. I have a new love! Want to meet the object of my affection? Here she is: And to think she sat there in my garage lonely and yucky for six years, yes 6 whole years. How do I know? She had a twin I refinished as a present for my goddaughter when she was born in 2003!

This year I decided that I wouldn't let the lack of big chunks of free time keep me from tackling "me" projects. I would just make the best use of whatever time I had and I would take the time in whatever form it came.

So yesterday I woke up and decided "I'm refinishing that dresser TODAY, no excuses". Luckily hubby was extra sweet and kept the kiddos for part of the day so I could devote time to my project. It was just me, a gallon of leftover True Porcelain paint from Grace's bed, and the most beautiful sunny day with crisp, just chilly enough air...pure bliss.

Best part? This was a zero dollar redo! I had everything already!!! The paint, the knobs, the pretties - all of it. Yeaaayyy! I really wanted to use blue milk glass knobs like these, but I had pink ones, so pink it was.

Want to take a closer peek? This is my own little corner of craft heaven. I'd love to have a whole room, but for now this little cabinet brings me joy every time I walk by it. My favorite combination of red & aqua mixed in with some pinks and fun vintage finds. Ahh...doesn't take much to make this girl happy! I've had that antique baby scale FOREVER. I won it for dirt cheap on an ebay auction, but never could make it work in Grace's room. It's now the perfect spot for displaying some of my favorite fabrics. I love that little cUpCAke and the sweet colors on all that embroidery floss is like eye candy for me! As much as I love hand embroidered items, I really need to learn how to embroider. Hmmm...I think I'll add it to this year's TO DO list.

I don't even know where to begin on this sweet, sweet, sweet little linen that I bought two years ago in a "4th of July linen lot" on ebay. There were some sweet linens in the stash, but I really bought it for this one Isn't it sweet? (and yes I know it needs to be pressed :) I had plans to make it into a little apron for Grace, but couldn't bear to cut it and mess it up. So glad I waited! For now, it has the perfect little spot peeking out from that top drawer. Speaking of drawers...the first two have dividers built right in! I was able to organize some of my fabrics. Fabrics are to me what crayons are to kids :) Can't have enough of them.

So there you have it. Home of Lulu & Co. ~ the name of the little side business I once had refinishing children's furniture, selling handmade baby hats, and vintage pillowcase dresses. Miss it. A LOT. Life dealt me a pretty bad hand back in 2002 at age 24. Some REALLY trying times and even a lumpectomy (turned out benign thank goodness!) and it was just too much to handle at the time and so my little business fell by the wayside :(

Back to my projects...Since my projects often domino into another, I went ahead and repainted an old mirror and it now is the perfect compliment to some of my favorite aprons. It's a raspberry pink shade right now (I used the spray paint I had on hand), but I'm thinking a nice coat of cherry red is in order. I even bought a can today at Walmart. We'll see. But for now, here's a little sentiment I tucked in to a corner. I love vintage valentines, even repro ones like this one :) So there you have it. All in a day's work. Whew, I'm tired...and giddy :)


  1. It is beyond fabulous!!!

    Great work, my dear. I am in love, too!

  2. Amazing work for one day... and part time at that!
    I wish I had your energy... and talent!
    Love, Mom

  3. It looks GREAT! I love it! I have a project list a mile long and no time or energy to do it right now - once I get over this darn stomach virus (that my family has had for TWO WEEKS!) I am hoping to catch some of your project fever and get some things done! Nice job!!!

  4. Wow!!! You said you got some things done, but this is amazing! Where in your house is this? Is that Urban Putty I see on the walls? ;) Oh and I spotted some "whale" fabric in that drawer too. LOL

    You seriously inspire me and I can't believe you had this piece sitting in your garage that long. Those built-in drawer dividers are so nifty.

    I hope to have a room filled with red and turquoise someday too. now my wheels are turning...maybe I can do it in our playroom. We've definitely got the red already.

    Keep up the great work!

  5. pure deliciousness :) LOVE LOVE IT!!!

    Laughing at Angel's comment about Urban putty too...our whole main floor is Urban putty!


  6. Too funny Jenn! Our main floor, entry and playroom have been urban putty for about 10 years.

  7. Thanks gals! I love it when I have time to devote to projects on MY to do list :)

    Heather~ I hope you and your whole family get over that bug!!!!

    Angel~ We have so outgrown our house! Our whole front room, which is supposed to be a formal sitting and dining area has been converted to a multi-purpose room with entry/playroom/craft/dining table (I say dining table b/c we really eat at the breakfast table and not in the formal dining room. One of these days we'll move to a bigger home :)

    Angel & Jenn~ Urban Putty all the way for our great room, kitchen and halls (mirror with aprons) HA HA HA! The multi-purpose room is a greenish/graying shade (SW Timeless Day), lighting just made it look weird.

  8. aawwww I just love your eye for vintage. Truly inspiriring!!!

  9. That's so sweet. Thanks you Angela! And let me just add that I LOVE your new boy rompers!! I can't believe they're all one piece!


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