Thursday, January 14, 2010

Help for Haiti

By now we've all heard of the devastation to the people of Haiti. My heart goes out to them and I join with millions around the world in praying for them.

When I was little, I think around 5-6, my mom traveled to Haiti to be the guest speaker at a medical symposium. To this day, I still clearly remember how she described to me the conditions in Haiti and the level of poverty that she witnessed firsthand.

We've been blessed with so much in our country, especially readily available disaster relief help. It's our turn to PAY IT FORWARD.

There are many ways to give. One simple way is via text message from your phone:

You can text "Haiti" to 90999 to give $10 to the Red Cross. You will be billed on your next phone bill. You can also visit the Red Cross website to learn more.

You can text "disaster" to 90999 to give $10 to Compassion's disaster relief program. You will be billed on your next phone bill. Find out more about it HERE and HERE.

Kelly of Kelly's Korner is matching donations by giving $1 per person who donates (regardless of what organization you donate through) and leaves a comment on her post HERE up to $1000.

It's our turn to help others in need. Let's all join together in lifting the people of Haiti in prayer. Imagine how much assistance we can provide if each of us donates just $10. Won't you join me?


  1. I guess I need to learn how to text, that would be super easy. A friend of mine is in the process of adopting two children from Haiti. Thankfully she was able to find out that night that they are both safe.

  2. Here is her blog if you are interested in their story. The orphanage is right in Port-au-Prince. even though everyone is safe for now, the real struggle for them is just beginning.

  3. Oh, my goodness Angel I'm so glad she was able to find out they were ok!!! I can't even begin to imagine how scared she must have been. I'd love to read their story, but I don't see the link??

    Now, about texting....WHAAAAT? If you can blog, fb, tweet, sell on ebay & etsy, you CAN text HE, HE, HE - just giving you a hard time ;)

  4. Oops, you know me and link, always forgetting them. LOL

    Oh, I know! Texting is the only thing I haven't conquered yet. But I will today! I've been wanting to watch the news coverage on Haiti, but with the kids here I don't want them to be afraid.

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