Sunday, January 17, 2010

Noonie's Birthday and 911

You're probably wondering what those two have in common right? Well, read on!

Friday was Noonie's birthday. I took her to Olive Garden for lunch - YUM! Grace was too excited to wait until Noonie's party on Saturday so we gave Noonie our gifts early. Grace gathered a bunch of little trinkets from her Playroom and presented them to Noonie - too sweet! The little pumpkin is such a giving child. She really doesn't hold back. Sweetness. Saturday, Papa J hosted the most wonderful dinner party for Noonie. He did all the planning, cooking, arranging and everything was just FaBUloUs! Check out the gorgeous flowers...Way to go Papa J! Noonie loved Grace & Hudson's card for her. Grace had so much fun making that cupcake card with mini pom poms for sprinkles and of course, glitter :) Papa J and Hudson enjoying the party. My contribution - Tres Leches Cake from the Pioneer Woman's recipe. So super yum. Find the recipe HERE. And right before this: THIS HAPPENED: As we were clearing the table for dessert and chit chatting, the little pumpkin made her way to the phone where she proceeded to call 911. Yes, 911. Noonie taught her how to dial it a while back just in case of an emergency. Well Noonie, she really learned! None of us realized what she'd done since she hung up right away. But just seconds later, the lady from 911 called back to make sure we were ok. So embarassing! Apparently Grace talked to her and everything :O That little one, she keeps us on our toes, I tell ya!

Here's to many more FUN birthdays, Noonie!


  1. Thank you, sweetheart. It was a wonderful party, including the 911 call-- memories forever!
    Thanks, my dear Husband, for all the wonderful food and the loving way you prepared it!

  2. Oh my! 911! I haven't taught the girls this yet, now I'm a bit afraid too. Much better to get a call back instead of a knock at the door.

    I love your card making skills. And Grace's monogrammed bow is awfully cute.

  3. Thanks Angel! ...and just you wait until E & A learn 911. I have a feeling little miss shower bandit will put her skills to good use :)


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