Wednesday, January 27, 2010

what a week!

It's been crazy busy around here. We've been going in a million different directions but getting a lot done. Most importantly we registered Grace for preK! Yipee!!! So we at least know where she'll be going this Fall. Huge. weight. off. my. shoulders. PreK-3. Wow, I can't believe how fast these three years have flown by. The little pumpkin will turn 3 in six short weeks! How I love my little girl!

We had a lovely weekend. Noonie had some things to take care of in Dallas and so the munchkins and I went with her and made a weekend of it. Lance had a chance to enjoy a quiet weekend at home and when we got back he had reorganized our garage! For Christmas, Noonie and Papa J gave us a garage "re-do", complete with some amazing shelves Papa J built himself. Thank you Noonie & Papa J and thank you Lance! It looks WONDERFUL! I'm so excited!

A few pics from our weekend (all with my old camera so sorry they're not so great)...

Lunch at a wonderful little tearoom

Hudson sitting in a restaurant high chair for the first time (and **gasp** no highchair cover! My, how things change for baby #2!)

Doesn't he look handsome in that little vest??? Love it! Thanks so much Herman, Heather, Emerson & Marshall!!! This little boy LOVES to eat! Grace showing me how to sit like a lady, hands gently crossed on her lap, feet crossed :) Incidentally, she also started calling me "my mama" and not just mama, and "my noonie" and not just noonie this weekend. Everyone is now "my ..." So sweet. Of course, everywhere we go, the little pumpkin's request is for Chuck E. Cheese. She was such a great traveler we just had to oblige :) This was also Grace's first trip pull-up free!!!!!!!!!! Yea!!!!!!!! We had reverted back to using pull-ups, but once and for all we threw them out the window. She's been accident free for over a week! And going on her own without having to be reminded. We still have a few kinks to work out, but it's big girl underwear for this little pumpkin - even to school. Yea! This time, Hudson was able to join in on the action! His first ride!!! He loved it! First time at IKEA. Not sure why we've never been to the actual store, but we loved it! Even had lunch there. Who knew IKEA had a great, kid-friendly lunch menu?! The little pumpkin loved this pink bed! And just for fun...check out Hudson's new trick...he likes to scrunch his nose/face like a little old man! HA, HA, HA And now that the school dilemma is over, I'm enjoying some fun Strawberry Shortcake birthday planning. Even found enough SS vintage birthday invitations to send out. So excited about that! More to come!


  1. sent you a bit of fabric in the mail earlier this week! can't wait to see all the birthday festivities!!!


  2. He, he, he - you must have ESP. Just left you a little note on fb :)

    Thanks so much for the fabric - it's going to be perfect!! Have you stocked your etsy shoppe? Can't wait to see what goodies you come up with!

  3. Looks like fun! I had to laugh because Hudson's face is exactly the face I get from Carter lately all the time. It cracks me up!!!

  4. Yep, funny how we are so less worried about 2nd and 3rd kids. We were surprised at how different we are with Sam than we were with the girls.

    I can't believe we still have yet to take our girls to Chuck E. Cheeses. Hopefully soon.


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