Tuesday, February 23, 2010

3 is such a fun number! {birthday party invitations}

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that feels like this, but do you sometimes feel guilty or like it's wrong to be planning a party or something fun when so many around you are going through really difficult trials? I know I do!

I've experienced both really happy, joyous times and really downright crappy times in my life so I can see it from both sides of the coin. I'm sure you can too. But then I'm reminded that God WANTS us to celebrate life and find joy in the little things, to appreciate each other and give thanks, so that when things go wrong we can persevere in the knowledge that happier times are ahead.

So, with that off my chest, let me share with you a little birthday loveliness! Isn't that a fun picture? This past weekend, I took Grace out as the sun was setting to capture a few frames of my almost 3 year old little pumpkin. She was in such a good mood! We were only out there 10 minutes and I was able to capture a whole bunch of expressions...cute, sweet, tender, funny, silly, WILD!

Can't wait to share more of those with you later, but for now, let me show you how sweet her invitations turned out!!! I'm really into "homemade" and "handmade" and for this party I wanted a fun, vintage feel with lots of handmade sweetness.

I found authentic vintage Strawberry Shortcake invitations from a seller on etsy. She had a set of 8 listed but when I convo'd her to find out if she had more, SHE DID! She had 20 - more than enough for us!!

Isn't that the sweetest little card...Strawberry with Custard (the pink kitty)?

And here's how I personalized the inside to give it a little twist: And speaking of handmade sweetness, check out THIS new blog - super cute!

Okay, better go work on those birthday hats!


  1. Love the invites!!! So cute! I just realized that I need to get that package in the mail to you asap - ACK! I can't seem to get anything done here lately. Carter's party is next weekend and we just today decided to move it to our community's clubhouse rather than our house - now I'm rethinking how to decorate, etc. It's crazy but I do love party planning so I'm having fun. Looking forward to seeing what all else you are doing for Grace's party!

  2. Thanks ladies! We are getting excited about the party!

    Heather~ Can't wait to hear all about Carter's party. I know it's going to be great!!!

  3. Hi, she is adorable. Anyway, i discovered your blog while searching for birthday invitations. Have a nice day!


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