Monday, February 8, 2010

a boy, a blankie, and a little mischief

Hudson's had a cold for several days now. This picture pretty much sums up how he's been feeling: My poor little guy :( but even sick isn't he so sweet and squishable?!

We've been cooped up a bit and I think we're all starting to get a little cabin fever. Even Hudson is tired of the same old toys in his room so we've been spending lots of time in the Playroom. But, what's a guy to do in a Playroom flooded with all things girlie? Why, try to find the few "manly" toys, like talking animals and other weird happy meal toys. Like a little ray of sunshine, a package from my friend Angel arrived in the mail a couple of days ago. In it, the CUTEST little baby blanket I've ever seen! Oh, how we love sock monkeys around here! It goes perfect with Hudson's vintage modern nursery. THANK YOU ANGEL for such a sweet gift for Hudson!!! Here's a closer look. I love that it has an "H" on the back side. So cute! And that minky...super soft! I must say I've kept it out of Hudson's reach for the past few days since his runny nose is a big 'ole mess and the boy hates having his face cleaned. But soon, really soon he'll be enjoying that taggie blanket to its full potential!

By the way, want a blankie of your own??? Check out Angel's blog where she gives step by step instructions on how to make your own Ribbon Baby Blanket. You can even learn how to applique a letter to the blankie or anything else your little heart desires through her tutorial HERE.

Hudson, being the sweet generous fella he is, decided to share a bit of his cold with the little pumpkin and I, so today we've both been coughing a bit. Since he's been feeling so yucky and having a hard time with all that congestion, I put him in his swing for a nap, to help him breathe a little easier by being UPRIGHT. You know where this is going don't you???

While Hudson was napping, I took Grace in her room to read books and make valentines and really to keep her coughing far away from Hudson so that it wouldn't wake him. One minute we were doing this then next thing I know I heard Hudson crying LOUDLY. The high pitch cry that only means one thing: I'm hurt/scared. My heart sank. I ran in the living room to find Hudson on the floor, on his belly, in a crawling position.

He had awaken and somehow managed to lift the bar that goes across his lap and between his legs (and locks into place, mind you) and toppled out of the seat onto the floor. I quickly scooped him up and checked him out. He's a tough little guy. As soon as I got him, he stopped crying. I think he was more scared than hurt. He does have a little bruise on his noggin', right where his hairline meets his forehead above his right eye.

Luckily it wasn't serious {THANK YOU GOD!}...I guess since he didn't fall very far...Still my heart ached for my baby. I felt so guilty for not strapping him with the 5 point harness. I felt he was safe with just the bar, but nope, this little monkey of mine is curious, very curious. From now on, it's full on 5 point restraint anytime he's in that swing...or the high chair.

And just to give you a better visual, here's a picture I took of our Graco Sweetpeace. Just another reminder...
Yes, I am the mother of a son.
Let the adventures begin!


  1. Oh goodness, Jessica, can I EVER relate! I never, ever had to deal with these issues with my girls. Carter is a total mess! His latest trick is taking the CHILDPROOF plug covers out of the wall! I can't contain the boy, and if I take my eyes off of him for a second, disaster happens. Just a few minutes ago, he pulled a lamp down on his head. I'm going to be prematurely gray!

    They sure do LOVE their mamas, though, don't they???? Carter totally melts my heart.

    Hope Hudson feels better soon - we are in the EXACT same boat right now - I actually took Carter to the doctor yesterday and they told me that he just has a bad cold, but he has two molars coming in. He is SOOOOO fussy!!!

    Talk to you soon!

  2. I'm so glad you like his blankie! Can't remember if I answered this earlier, but I buy my chenille from

    Sam is the same way, he tumbles almost once a day it seems. He is SO strong! But he sure loves his cuddle time with Mama afterward. And I can NOT keep that boy off the kitchen table. I have to pull all the chairs on to the carpet in the living room when he won't stop.

    This world of boys is so foreign to me. Just this morning (I'm sure it had nothing to do with the princess dress photo...hehe) Dave was saying we need to get him some dinosaurs. I think he's seen him carrying around little ponies one too many times.

    I hope Hudson is feeling better soon and that your colds are all very short.

  3. Get ready Mom, the fun is about to begin. Boys are a breed of their own for sure. It is amazing how curious they are and how quickly they figure things out. Get ready to run and wipe tears away when he falls or trips from one of his many adventures.

    Hope you all feel better soon!!!

  4. Thanks for the encouragement, ladies! I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one and that these sweet little boys are just curious little monkeys in every sense of the word!

    We are beginning to feel much better from our colds. Now if I could only figure out a quick way to get rid of their coughing fits!!! Sure makes going out in public a fun adventure with all the stares :O


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