Saturday, February 20, 2010

busy, busy, busy

A fun, but busy couple of days around here...Lance had to go out of town for work right after his birthday on Tuesday, so I've been pulling double duty and boy, was I glad to see him come home last night!

Luckily, mom came to the rescue and helped me so I was still able to cross off lots of items on my to do list. Yea! Doesn't it feel good to just cross stuff off, no matter how small? I think this is why I'm a list maker. So if you're not already a list maker, try it - you'll be feeling good in no time!

1. Clean out Grace & Hudson's closets. CHECK!

2. Go through bins of clothes and separate: keep / give / sell. CHECK!

3. Get clothes ready for the consignment, hang, label, turn in. CHECK!

4. Birthday party favors. CHECK!

5. Birthday hair bows ordered. CHECK!

6. Address invitations. CHECK!

7. Sew dress. NOT QUITE. But all the pieces are cut and we'll be sewing on Monday!!!

Still have lots of stuff to do, both fun and un-fun chores, but I won't bore you with the un-fun ones, so let's go with one of the fun ones like "pull down easter baskets from the attic and spray paint to match this year's outfits". I ♥ spray paint. And speaking of outfits...I'm so super excited that the matching brother/sister smocked sets I bought last year at 80% off are THE perfect size for both munchkins!!! Best part of these last couple of days...actually there's lots of "bests". First, this: This little guy has been pulling up on everything! He's finally crawling with his belly off the ground too!

Second, planning this birthday party for the little pumpkin has been LOTS of fun! Strawberry Shortcake is such a super sweet theme! I love the party favors - they are so cute!

Third, spending time talking to my mom late at night. Girl talk is always good for the soul :)

And then, there is this fun Christmas gift from Aunt Lexi that we just broke out today: Nevermind the shades in that photo...we're going through a sunglass phase around here ;) I think it's fair to say... She LOVES it, Lexi! Thank you! It's been a gorgeous day here, 69° and sunny! I'm ready for Spring!


  1. SO JEALOUS of the weather! It is 20 and ICE here...can I move in?? the pumpkin in braids...holy cow is she adorable! Plus your pillowcase dress is perfect...great job!!


  2. Your list of accomplishments is amazing!!! I am jealous. I swear I never get anything done since Carter has started crawling fast and walking a little bit! His bday party is in less than 2 weeks and I am SOOO unprepared! I need to get crackin'!

    Love the pics w/the Easy Bake - I LOVED my Easy Bake when I was little - I still remember what that cake tasted like!

    Oh, and congrats to little Hudson for all the milestones - it's so cute to see him pulling up like that. So much fun to see our boys grow and change, I love it!

  3. What a great day! Doesn't it feel good to check things of your list! Welcome to Just Organize Yourself! Hopefully we'll be able to keep checking off our to-do's together!

  4. Thanks girls!

    Jenn~ Pack your bags and come on down! ;) (Do I sound like The Price is Right or what?!) Now the weather man has thrown a kink in my plans - possibility of snow tonight? What???? Bring back my beautiful weekend weather! Doesn't he know I need full use of my backyard in 3 short weeks for the little pumpkin's b-day???!!!

    Heather~ I don't sleep much (bad I know) - that's how I fit it all in :) You know, I never had an Easy Bake but I remember wanting one! Grace was so proud of that cake and ate the whole thing! Can't wait to hear about Carter's birthday!!!

    Joy~ Yes, ma'am it does! Love your site!!

  5. You are getting so much done lately! I wish spring was in the air up here, I need some motivation. Love the Easter outfits, they are so sweet. And oh my, how big Grace looks to me, especially having just looked at your pillowcase dress first post. And how did I not think to get an Easy Bake for my girls yet? I was paying too much attention to the age range on the box and not thinking that I could do it with them. Duh! You are such a wonderful Mama!

  6. Angel~ I had the same concern about the Easy Bake since it says 8+ on the box. It was a Christmas gift from Grace's aunt. It went well when we used it. It uses a lightbulb to cook stuff and seems pretty enclosed (I never had one growing up so I'm just now figuring it out, LOL!).


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